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CyberPianist last won the day on July 15 2021

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About CyberPianist

  • Birthday 07/16/1998

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  1. Thank you! It took me two days to render all the scenes and one day to glue and upload the video to YouTube.
  2. Max Payne, since I got to know it back in 2006, has been one of my favorite games. Its atmosphere, the presentation of simple but tragic story, the snow-covered New York City, all of that forever imprinted itself in many ways and partly shaped my taste for good atmospheric games. The main musical theme of this one remains one of the most recognizable to me. Hearing the very first notes awakens my old, warm memories of a time spent in this dark and atmospheric world. It was this theme that I thought about writing variations on for a year, but all the time it didn't work out. I had no energy, or even no idea how to write my own variations on such a not very classical musical theme. However, recently, on July 28, quite unexpectedly, I sat down at the piano to practice, and as a result I wrote a variation in one night, originally I had no intention of composing anything at all. Even more interesting for me, on July 31, I came across a video from remedy. As it turned out, it was Max Payne's birthday on July 23. It had been 20 years since the game's release. Well, let this be my little gift and thanks to this game for good memories. I hope the music turned out well. Happy past birthday, Max!
  3. A very good and competent composition. It seems from your music that you know Chopin very well. If you haven't listened yet, I can recommend (to broaden your musical experience) to listen to Scriabin's op.11 and also his etudes.
  4. Thank you. I'm really happy to hear that!😊
  5. That sounds really good. Why don't you go on with the variations and, for example, in the first one change sharply to a scherzo character and also in the minor. Variations also usually help you to expand, to find new means of expression, etc. Maybe you don't have the inspiration to continue this theme in the way you originally planned, but in creativity it is absolutely normal and even, in its own way, fascinating. You never know what to expect from your own brain in this or that tact, and every time you try to make it into a coherent piece.
  6. Even though you rarely write for the piano you did very well! I hope that if you liked it yourself, you will continue to write music for the piano as well, because you have interesting sonic findings in piano sounding music.
  7. Thank you for your attention to my work! This music was animated with Concert Creator software and (as I understand it) it uses a trained AI. I can only add that as a pianist I can see that this is still really a beta version because the AI handles virtuoso music almost perfectly, but there are gaps in the slow pieces, where you need slightly different movements. I think this is a matter of time and Concert Creator will improve in the future.
  8. Very mature in form music. The atmosphere reminds me most of the work of Olivier Messiaen. I liked the first two pieces best. Especially the first one. The last one, in my subjective opinion, lacked contrasts. It sounded fast, excited, but the material was rather monotonous for me and almost didn't develop in any way. That is, in your first two musical pictures there were a lot of small interesting details, but in the last one I either did not see, or really did not have enough of what was rich in the previous two pieces. Thank you for sharing your works!
  9. These are my first waltzes that I wrote in 2017 over the course of two days. So they may be very close to each other in both character and condition, but still each will have its own little story.
  10. Thank you so much for your attention to my work!
  11. Thank you very much for your feedback. I myself didn't have time to look at other people's work here until recently. Only shared my own. I have started working as a piano teacher with children for the past two years and I am just gaining experience at it. So absolutely nothing that you or anyone else is listening to but not leaving a review of it. I understand that everyone may have their own things to do and may not have the time. I already really appreciate you spending your time on my work and it certainly makes me happy that it turns out not to be a waste of time.
  12. I think it's always a challenge to do something that you want to make really artful and intriguing. There are no easy ways to achieve such goals. And what to choose, big form or small, these or those means of expression, depends on many human qualities and life circumstances. In one period of life, large forms may be better, and in another, only miniatures, and so on. In the end, I don't think these things are major, but trying both is certainly good for the experience.
  13. You have good potential, you should keep listening to your favorite composers, play and analyze their works, create your music whether many people like it or not. I think the most important thing is that you yourself enjoy the process and your development. I don't think time will spare music written solely to please others. But it has always been more favorable to the sincere cries of the soul.
  14. Yes, I see. Excuse me, I have never studied Spanish (if I understand it correctly, it is Spanish) and did not understand what was written in your score. Anyway, as I said, this piece will sound even more impressive.
  15. I think it would be useful for you to try yourself in small, miniature, but varied compositions, because, judging by how many means of expression (rhythmic, harmonic, etc.) you use for 5 minutes, it seems that at the moment you do not have so much to try yourself in a large form. And it is most convenient to experiment with them and acquire new ones just in cycles of small pieces. Anyway thank you for sharing your composition!
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