Hi I'm a pianist . I'm taking a look at it right now and if I didn't have the audio recording, I'd be wondering what the X's on measure two are supposed to be. Also unless you want the right and left hand to play different dynamics, one dynamic marking is enough (Same goes for crescendo/desc). Your articulation on the piano parts seem to look good, but if possible could you space out the music a bit more. Especially with areas that have chords, that makes it a hell of a pain to sight-read.
On the bar just before A, I would recommend putting the A-flat on ledger lines below the treble because as I was sight reading it, I tried that interval on my left hand and it didn't work. This doesn't have to be changed because people do that often anyways, but it would make it easier to read. However, the same cannot be said for the first bar of section A. Basically, neither hand can get it for me. The only way to achieve it would be a gliss. but that would ruin the accented sfz's. Either scratch the A-natural, or the high C. The first chord on 16 is barely reachable for me. B just doesn't work because the E-flat is only reachable with the right hand for a measure until we reach the octaves on measure 20 and everything else after that. You should probably scratch it in my opinion.. Also, I just realized but on the bar before, might want to move the FF into the middle of the stave if possible because it takes away from the placement of the lower octave line. Also the rhythms for bar 23, and many of the bars on pg.3 are written weirdly . Might wanna use tied eighth notes when necessary so that the pianist can keep the beat in their head easier.
I kinda started skimming now so yeah. You should either right L.H. under the second chord on bar 42, or scratch that low B-flat. The C# on bar 42 in the right hand is a tough interval to reach.
You can calm down with the Pedals, Pianos, and Pianissimo's on page 6. Unless you have very specific intentions for pedals markings, most players know when to pedal for piano just based on style and experience. When you do use the pedal markings, just one below the base stave is sufficient (For future reference, unless you use the middle pedal which some grands have, you can't pedal one section and not another). Lastly, the last 3 chords for the right hand are not happening. The interval is too large for myself, and it's probably too large for a lot of players.
Anyways, I skimmed after page 3 so I didn't catch everything but the part sounds cool. After it's been refined, I'm sure the accompanists you give this to will have fun. (Also I'm kinda a high school student so sorry I can't offer any real super professional advice, just what I can see if I was playing it.)