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J.Santos last won the day on December 10 2019

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  1. It's an improvisation! So I ask you to please ignore my so many mistakes (playing and harmonically/melodically doings)
  2. Is a nice little piece, though it's repetitive and unvariant. Which is not necessarily bad. It is good music and works as ambient or for example for a videogame. I always prefer something not really that even, so I always try to add more variation if i repeat some material, but that's me. You choose what you want and it is nice a it is.
  3. I apologize but I cannot really understand this piece. I mean, it tries to be a well constructed romantic piece, but what i hear doesn't convince me. Is it the audio? Is it the piece? I cannot tell, but to me it really looks as if it's a clear lack of "ear" on this piece. There's some good ideas, melodically talking, but It does sound bad to me. It's kinda as when i was starting to compose, I lacked this ability to find when something sounds wrong in a sense of style or not. This music doesn't sound right to me, but that doesn't mean it's bad, just giving my opinion. So don't take it to heart, maybe it's me the one wrong, but this could be improved a lot. Maybe I can try to help you with that if it's okay for you.
  4. I really like it, thought I wonder if it would sound better if it were a bit slower.
  5. That's not a fugue, at least not in the proper meaning. I don't think you can call fugue anything that just has different voices coming up and repeating the subject like that, there's other things that are as important. Fugue is a demonstration of mastery on counterpoint, this means that if you're not using any proper harmonic system and obviously building counterpoint based on that, you cannot write a fugue. I would recommend you to first learn counterpoint theory on the harmony you like the most (baroque, classical, romantic, modern, atonal?) and then after you have practiced a lot of pieces with 2-3 voices then maybe start a fugue. Plus, a fugue needs to have exhibition, development and restatement, which yours doesn't have.
  6. Lately been composing lots for this one, since I'm far from my home and just have this instrument.
  7. Have you ever heard a performance of I don't know, for example Bach's flute partita BWV1013? The interpreter is the one to chose when he has to make a little stop to breath according to what makes more sense in interpretation. Even if that didn't exist, circular breathing technique does exist, so you can practically play this piece without stop blowing. Though obviously is a very advanced technique, maybe proper thing for a toccata? Thanks for the comment.
  8. Bring you new piece, for melodica, a little keyboard that works like a flute
  9. It's not that original though, mostly based on the étude no.11 from Bertini's Op.29. I say it in the score, but I gave my own piece based on the motif. Also changed to 6/8, which i saw fitest.
  10. Listening to them superfcially (will revisit, don't have time now), they are delightful, sweet, well composed. Thanks for sharing this gorgeous music!
  11. Incredibly beautiful, very enjoyable pieces and very well composed! I specially like the dedication, since most of my last pieces have been dedications to someone I really love. Thank you for sharing!
  12. Incredible Servin. As always I love your pieces, you are talented and ingenious. This piece achieves its goal, perfectly composed. Thanks for sharing! All I've heard about you has been late romantic russian, so I hope someday I can hear something baroque, classical or just different from you. Though if you just feel better sticking to this, that's also perfectly respetable.
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