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About kjmut

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  • Biography
    Hello my name is Kaitlyn J. I started composing about a 1 1/2 years ago.
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  • Occupation
    High School Junior
  • Interests
    Music, art, composing, Band

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  1. Just a short light dance for two flutes and two clarinets. Minor Dance
  2. I wrote this peice last year and I though I would put it up. The first section is a morning like melody section which is the calm before the storm. The next section is the rain section with alot of moving up and down to seem as rain. The next section is the rain and lighting and then everything builds to a point and the tornado sirens are heard with two minor chords. After that comes the winds and then the chase. The tornado goes away in the end and the peice ends with a calm melody that it started with. Oklahoma Storm.mid Oklahoma Storm.mus
  3. I am having trouble in finale making the lyrics fit. I was wondering if someone might be able to help me. I have included the song I am wanting to make the lyrics fit into. Thank you very much! O for a Thousand Tounges to Sing.mus
  4. I have a Yamaha DGX 520 portable grand keyboard that has a USB printer cable to a regular USB cable. I have the right keyboard ,but I can't seem to get it to notate right with my Finale 2009. Can someone help me?
  5. I am having a hard time getting my finale back. I hope to have everything fixed in July sometime.
  6. My computer has crashed ,and I am not able to go on at the monent. I am using someone elses laptop right now, which does not have Finale. I am sorry for the delay.
  7. Sorry I have not been able to post the corrections. I have had alot of school work to do. I will see what I can do over the weekend.
  8. OK I will try to get a grip on this while you are gone.
  9. No ,not slow that would not go. You might consider just changing up the rhythms at the end a bit and doing abrupt ending since that is what you want. I wouldn't hold the cord out as long as you did though. It makes it just fall off. Its like you play faster ,and faster until you just are tired so you just stop playing ,and hold the cord out. Make it sound like you mean to end it there. Your doing great!!!
  10. The first one I could see someone crying because they might have lost someone. The only part I didn't like about it ,is that toward the end you lost momentum. You just let the song die without a true ending. The second one I felt like someone was as detect said lonely. Again you just kinda let the song die at the end. This song wasn't as bad about letting it die as the first one was though. The second one was in my opinion ,better than the first one. The one thing that I would change is as the end I would end with a different cord maybe a RD down from the one that you played. The cord that you ended on was just not wright for the song. All ,and all I feel that you put a lot of emotion in these songs ,and it really shows. Just keep trying your best ,and with a little work you will have 2 great songs!!!! Good luck!!!!!!! :whistling:
  11. I like it! It sounds like it was fun to write ,and play! I would give you an Annalise's on this ,but I don't know the format of a rhapsody. The only thing that I you might change is the ending. It sound like you just ended it. I don't know if that Is what you are wanting to do, but I don't know just mess with the ending. Who knows you might come up with a better one. Good melody!!!!
  12. I am finished. I hope this is right. :blush: Interval%20exercise[1].MUS
  13. I feel that I am ready to go on.
  14. That is what we have ,is a wurlitzer.
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