The first one I could see someone crying because they might have lost someone. The only part I didn't like about it ,is that toward the end you lost momentum. You just let the song die without a true ending.
The second one I felt like someone was as detect said lonely. Again you just kinda let the song die at the end. This song wasn't as bad about letting it die as the first one was though. The second one was in my opinion ,better than the first one. The one thing that I would change is as the end I would end with a different cord maybe a RD down from the one that you played. The cord that you ended on was just not wright for the song.
All ,and all I feel that you put a lot of emotion in these songs ,and it really shows. Just keep trying your best ,and with a little work you will have 2 great songs!!!! Good luck!!!!!!! :whistling: