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About Wolfgoff_Amadeus

  • Birthday 08/30/1989

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  1. I like the feel of this piece... it sounds very tense and dramatic. I agree with green minstrey, the bass was well done and fitted the mood. I enjoyed the ending too. This piece is way beyond my skill level, but then again, that's what makes it a toccata.:)
  2. Yeah I'll try to keep it with a good structure... unfortunately that's a challenge for me.:thumbsup:
  3. Hey, thanks. Yeah the intro I pretty much came up with on the spot, but it stuck with me. I think I'll keep working on this.:D
  4. Hey everyone, glad you liked my piece. I have to admit that the ending where I just held out the chords was kind of a cop-out on my part. I had the idea for the chord progression and then just never got around to making anything out of it.:D Perhaps I'll go back to this piece now that I have some suggestions and make it a little better.
  5. Hey everyone, Just thought I'd share this really short piece I wrote called "The Phoebes Wept". I composed this today in about a half an hour. Tell me if you like it, and if you think it's worth expanding. Cheers! Listen here. P.S. Anybody know what poem I got the title from? Gold star for anyone who does.:D
  6. Thanks for the tips.:)
  7. No comments after 4 days? :(
  8. I like this piece! Ditto what kjmut said, I like the format of loud beginning, mellow middle, and energetic finale.
  9. I spent the last week or so writing this piece off and on in my free time; it's a piano trio which I ended up calling "Riding the Ancient Hudson" (sorry everyone, I suck at naming pieces; at least I don't have any children to name yet:whistling: ). Anyway, some of it I spent time working out, and other parts I just threw together by basically improvising because I'm lazy; some of the weak parts are pretty obvious, but it's not all that bad. Anyway, the name of the piece comes from a combination of my personal experiences with the Hudson River and the majestic paintings done by those of the Hudson River school of art. Basically it just reminded me of the beauty of nature and all that jazz. I'd highly appreciate any feedback on this piece. One thing I thought might have ended up a little too weird was the amount of modulation between the minor and major keys for such a short piece. Also, The piano played similar variations of the same theme throughout most of the piece (again, laziness on my part). Well, tell me if you think these weaknesses stick out or if they're not really weaknesses at all. Listen to it here.
  10. I like it! This is very fun music. :)
  11. First of all, I like this piece! It has kind of an epic feel to it, especially with the addition of the vocal choirs. You could have held the last note a little longer though, and also developed the organ part more, which seemed a little random. I like the contrast of the solo violin with the big choir. This piece kind of reminded me of soundtrack music, because it was really epic, but not too melodic. Perhaps you were looking for this kind of sound, and that's ok for a short piece like this, but you should think more about memorable melodies if you want to engage the listener for longer. Also, as to how it relates to Thanatopsis, I might have written a quieter piece to make it seem more reflective, but I still got the feeling of death from this one. The regal nature of this piece sort of reminded me of the author's point in that poem that from the simplest peasant to the greatest king, we all ultimately suffer the same fate; it also reminded me of the author's mention of the majesty of nature (hey, maybe you can use that in your presentation:P ). Overall, I enjoyed this very much. P.S. For 2 and a half hours of work, this is very good.
  12. Part of my problem, I think, was my over-zealousness that resulted when I had just barely gotten EastWest Symphonic Orchestra. As you can tell, it gives the rare gift of a decent midi sound, so I kind of felt compelled to do everything at once. Now that I have that out of my system, hopefully I can go back to writing normally.:P Good learning experience I guess. But yeah, I guess I was kind of thinking of a medley type of thing, but those usually work best when the listener is already familiar with some of the tunes involved. I'll try to work on my transitions too. Writing a dance isn't a bad idea actually. I'm thinking of putting off the full orchestra for a while until I get more experienced though. Right now I'm starting to flesh out what I think will be a piano quintet.
  13. That was my impression as well. I liked the piece, but the ending kind of reminded me of slamming on the brakes of my car instead of braking normally, if that ridiculously stupid analogy makes any sense. :) The song had a very nice Russian theme though. "cassiankuban", you should try posting your own new thread to discuss your question. This thread deals with Aleximo's first post. From the main forum, click on the category that best suits your topic, then click on "New Thread" near the top of the page. Hope this helps.:P
  14. I'm glad you guys like it. Sorry I don't have the score... currently it's handwritten and very sloppy-looking; to my knowledge Finale Notepad doesn't allow me to change key signatures or time signatures within a piece, so that wouldn't really work.:) Lester, I'm not surprised you hear Beethoven influence in my piece... I love Beethoven and Romantic music in general. Point well taken about the bass notes too; I'll try messing around with inversions more to put different notes in the bass more often.
  15. Thanks for the compliment.:) Perhaps I will expand on it someday...
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