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i(don't)suckatcomposing last won the day on September 7 2020

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About i(don't)suckatcomposing

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  • Favorite Composers
    Bach, Mozart
  • My Compositional Styles
    Classical-ish, I tried Jazz once..., Dipping my feet in contemporary
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Musescore and Sibelius
  • Instruments Played
    Tuba(main) and Trombone(church orchrestra)

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  1. I would include some fermatas at cadence points. I sang along and didn't have to much trouble wording it, but I'm not a choir person, I am a Tuba player, so take it for what its worth. Nice piece.
  2. Yea sorry about that repetition. In class we are only going through the repeats the first time, when we da capo we don't repeat. That just the software super correct playback. Looking at going from 6 minutes to about 4 minutes. Thank you for taking a look.
  3. My "band" at school is reading this, and the professor said we could perform it at concert. I wanted to post it here to get some suggestions, this piece can still change, but I think where it is at now is probably the best its going to be. I'm limited on the capability of the performers (play for fun not for precision, to some extent), and obviously limited on this set on instruments. I wanted a "baroque" style piece in the band, It was easier for me to make something than to find something that suites everyone..
  4. Let me quickly mention some things, I originally wrote the Sinfonia in A minor. I consulted with my private lesson teacher who is a trumpet player suggested I kick the tune down a 3rd to F minor to make it more playable for the Trumpet. I didn't think about the guitar part until just recently. We got a new person in the college band, a guitar player, and I've learned that flat keys are awesome for brass, sucks for strings. For the consecutive 5ths, I thought the only problem was parallel and direct perfect 5ths. These are imperfect 5ths, I may be wrong. But the bigger issue with that section is probably the narrowly avoided parallels octaves between the Soprano and Bass. Thank you for your comments, I hope that book will improve my writing...
  5. I was going for a cantata, in a similar way that Bach or Handel would've done it. Stylistically I was going for Baroque, but it seems that I go all over the place, some parts being more romantic while others being more baroque. I just compose at the moment, what I think sounds good. I was actually talking about verse 2 with my piano teacher, and he said that cadences are not really there, but I showed him where they were, and explained that they were not structured in a 4 or 8 bar sections. I don't really think of a program when I compose something, but this would most definitely fit in for Easter services. I think ultimately this was to get some experience with a virtual choir/choir in general. It seems that people think that this was "great", and honestly its probably the high-point of my composition life at the moment. But I know that this isn't exactly how I want it, I'm still trying to figure it out. It would probably help if I just focus on learning what I get in Tonal Harmony Class... I'm in Intermediate Harmony(3) right now. I just got a new textbook, "Music in the Galant style". I'm taking some notes and hopefully I will get a more authentic baroque style. It's 1am, and I need to get to bed, I have school at 6am. I hope this is a starter.
  6. I hired people on Fiverr to sing my cantata, so here it is... Let me know about what you think. I think it came out okay.. a mediocre rendition. But I'm very critical on myself, so what do you think? Since I didn't list the order in the video: 1. Sinfonia 2. Verse 1 2. Recitative 3. Verse 2 4. Verse 3 (Soprano Solo) 5. Verse 4 (Bass Solo) 6. Chorale
  7. No one needs to join this project. I went on Fiverr and hired some people to sing the parts. I will be posting a sung version of the cantata when it is complete!
  8. Thank you @Some Guy That writes Music, I can get you a reduced Piano version. Thanks for that tip, this is my first time doing something like this as you can tell. I'm extremely thankful that you will be recording the Bass and Tenor. Here are all the files you will need... I broke it up into the individual parts and movements. Again thank you for helping me out, is there a name I can put you on for the video? Again, it will be public...
  9. It makes sense that you would hear a Italian style, that is what I'm working for. I want to move away from tonal harmony and go to Partimento approach, which was developed in Naples, Italy. You can look at the score here: Harmonic variety is something I'm striving for. Thank you for your comment.
  10. Thank you! @PaperComposer The Recitative accompaniment was a Classical Guitar, but A lute would be appropriate. Thank you for the kind comment! 🙂
  11. I only took a few minutes to get the feel of the Solo, and It was midnight after work. SO obviously it could better. I'd rather a more experienced bass singer record it. Here is the Cantata with all the voices...
  12. Hello People... I just completed my Cantata. I would like some help from the community, everyone doesn't like the "ahh" sounds the VST choirs make. So I was wondering if I can get a few people to sing the Soprano, Alto and Tenor Parts? I can sing the Bass part, unless you have some choir experience or you think you are a really good bass singer. (I'm alright, but my main instrument is Tuba, I'm not a singer, but I can do it.) I attached a audio clip of me singing the Bass solo in Verse 4. I will attach PDF's the Piano reduction and the solo part for all SATB. You don't have to let me know, if you want to be apart of this. Just send in your videos and I will let you know if there is anything that needs to be fixed or if you made the cut. *Legal Stuff*I will be uploading the finished product on my YouTube Channel. By taking part of this project, you agree to let me upload it to YouTube, and If I can monetize my videos in the future (I can't right now), I will receive all the revenue. You will of course receive credit for singing in the description of the video and your name included in the credits portion of the video. There will also be the chance for you to have a link to your YouTube channel (if you have one). Thanks to those who read this, and to those especially that participate in this. Soprano: Verse 1 & 2 & 3 & Chorale Alto: Verse 1 & 2 & Chorale Tenor: Verse 1 & 2 & Chorale Bass: Verse 1 & 2 & 4 & Recitative & Chorale I suggest you download all the files you need.
  13. I think I'm going to not publish the sheet music until I get an IRL recording. If you want the score, I can send it to you privately.
  14. I thought it was ok, I would like more form. It feels like its meandering forever. If you want the program to play the music correctly, you will have to add all the dynamics and pedals... If you want the real Pianist to play it correctly, you can add "simile" after a while then the pianist will continue the pattern without it being on the page. For the measure that pedaling wont work, I'm not sure. I think if you put the pedals back the next measure, then the musician would figure it out. I'm not totally sure.
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