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Jim Jones

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  1. Oh and in my creativity, this is one piece that does not at all derive (for inspiration at least) from my interest in history.
  2. If I can self critique, often my works are a product somewhat of discovering or identifying styles, rhythms etc... and going with it. Intended to be musical pieces, compositions, not necessarily full on complete productions. Yeah, moody little interludes... but not everything. I have stuff that has more defined sections incorporating percussions. Mostly, all instrumental (I haven't gotten around to messing with the USB mic I have purchased recently) This piece is something I envision where a persona is reminiscing perhaps, feeling nostalgic with scenes of romance from days past.
  3. Yeah its supposed to be more of a droning background thing, nice little melody carried by the cellos somewhat, but the acoustic having those little double ups to keep things moving along. I sort of like the way the guitar opens up during what would be the chorus part. Appreciate the feedback as always!
  4. A sequel to my 'island song', unoriginally called return to Marmara. As usual THANK YOU for listening, and for telling me what you think. (even if you think it sucks!!!) 😃
  5. I also like history. Particularly the middle ages, narrow that down to the period called "the high middle ages" (roughly 1000-1200) For a far longer time, like centuries before, one island supplied the marble for the city of Constantinople. Much of that can now be found beautifying facades in Venice, Italy. Thanks to the 4th Crusade. But I digress. This island, is special and was always seen as such by the Romans. "From one Island and one alone, an entire city and empire was born.... Proikonnesos" aka Island of Marmara "During most of its history, the island was called "Proikonnesos" (island of the royal dowry), and "Prinkipo", (island of the aristocracy)."
  6. A sequel, in the same vein but a little more 'major' in sound.(than its predecessor) Thanks for listening, tell me what you think. Cheers
  7. Here's one using piano and cello(s). Thanks for listening, please tell me what you think.
  8. Here's another, as always please tell me what you think. Its hard to say which one of my compositions rank as a favorite or even favorite as they all have a little something I like. This one no less. Cheers for listening. Acoustic guitar, cello, etc
  9. Yeah this is very cool. Very original imho
  10. When the piano starts to 'turn around' during the second part of this one, I always kind of get... emu (pour nos francophones ;))
  11. Ok had to do it this way, "Return to Marmara"
  12. Thank you for the recommendation(s) I will definitely look these up. Cheers
  13. Instead of staying away for too long between posts, I'm doubling up tonight. Here's a much more recent composition, that is also much more progressive in its symphonic styles employed... if that makes any sense. I call it Return to Marmara. I guess I should post the first one then (realizing), as it is a sequel of sorts to another piece I created entitled: Marmara Ps. So the background is my love of History. Particularly the middle ages... narrowed down to the High Middle Ages. These two are related to a wonderful island located in the Sea of Marmara. "From one Island and one alone, an entire city and empire was born.... Proikonnesos" aka Island of Marmara "During most of its history, the island was called "Proikonnesos" (island of the royal dowry), and "Prinkipo", (island of the aristocracy)."
  14. Thank you for all the feedback. I am not sure if it would be better to do the next one on a separate thread, but I do have a fair number of tracks I'd like feedback on so, I think I will just keep appending to this thread if that's ok. Hmmmm, what should I post next though... ok, here's one. Hippidy Hoppidy. The piano came together marvelously, when I merged that lead part that floats in and out of the "piano rhythm' as I recall correctly. Let me know what you think.
  15. Hi Markus, thank you. I am not trained in classical instruments, however, I think you got it. The piano leads but is just a fabric, background, sort of monotonous progression where the cellos jump in and provide a harmonious walk, with violin accents.
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