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Hendrik Meniere

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Hendrik Meniere last won the day on May 22 2020

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About Hendrik Meniere

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    Hello everybody!
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    Montgat (Barcelona)
  • Occupation
    School :(
  • Interests
    Painting, composing, fencing...
  • Favorite Composers
    Dvorak, Late Beethoven, Liszt, Schubert , M. Haydn, Mahler, Sibelius...
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    flat.io, Lilypond, Musescore
  • Instruments Played
    Trumpet, piano, recorder (well.. from primary school... I do not know if that counts ​😅​)

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  1. The first movement of my first violin sonata (it is supposed to be in sonata form) . Any feedback is welcomed!
  2. So this christmas I've been working in this small piano sonata that is based on the theme from @Ivan1791 All movements are directly or partially conected to the theme. The first movement is in sonata form and has the theme as subject A. The second movement has the theme as a baseline (4 times slower). The third has little motifs from the theme in the scherzo, and in the trio there is a fugue wich subject is based on the theme. Finally the finale is in theme and variations based on the theme. I hope you all enjoy and any feedback is welcomed!🙂
  3. Hi, I'm sorry but I will not be able to participte at the end. I forggot compleatly and I'm in an evaluation period, so sorry very much.
  4. I'd like to enter as an entrant.
  5. I think is a very well acomplished piece. It reminds me of music of a Studio Ghibli movie. Is it in a ABA form? If it is I love B section (when the adante starts) and how contrasting and full of relief it is when the main theme comes back. Well I guess I'm going to repeat myself to say that you've done a very good piece of music.
  6. Hi everyone! Here I post a short prelude (Well I do not know if to call it a prelude as it is rather experimentation). I've started the piece with the idea to write a fugue of a single note melody, but at it only for a short bit as affter I did not whant to continue. The piece is for two pianos (Is not really a piece as It is something I would never like to publish or perform). And basically I tryed to experiment with rythm and with inspiration of some minimalist works. I hope you enjoy. 🙂
  7. Nice piece as always! (Even though I prefere your pieces that are in minor...) but I understand this is a hymn of joy. Great work!
  8. Wow!!! What an incredible final movement. Ideed is very inspired by Beethoven (even though sometimes it reminds me of liszt especially some sections of his B minor sonata) I think is quite an acomplishment.
  9. Finally this poject is finished. Here the final movement wich consists a ABA structure followed by a fugue (Just warning, It does not have more than two mesures that do not break a rule) and finally a C section. I hope you enjoy and feedback would be apreciated. And here the pdf and audio of the last movement. (The fugue starts at 2:20 of the mp3 file) :
  10. @Guillem82 Haydn's symphony 104 is a masterpiece, and now that I listen to it again I can see clearly the influence. I love late works of Haydn and the introduction of his 104 symphony has a very similar mood to "The Creation" overture (the two works where written in the same period). The mood of the first theme in your sonata form reminded me to Haydn's morning symphony (nr.6).
  11. Indeed very classical. I think you clearly obtained a very classical symphony therefore accomplished your goal, it reminded me to the London symphonies of Joseph Haydn. Movement 1 I loved the dark introduction in minor keys. The contrast from the introduction into the first theme is clear and very well accomplished. Love the development section especially when it becomes dark. The coda is simple as it would be in that period. Movement 2 As you mentioned very lyrical, I liked how you gave importance to the woodwinds (even though when I listen to Haydn and early Mozart symphonies I always feel that the strings have the important part and the woodwinds are mere decoration). I do not criticize you because of using the woodwinds, on the contrary , I love that you give an important role to the woodwinds. The B section would be more in the style of Haydn with the stings the main melody. Nice coda. Movement 3 The minuet is perfect (for me) even though I prefer scherzos (but I understand you what to do in the early classical style so no scherzo). I liked how you use the brass instruments as they would use them in the time. The trio is beautiful (therefore I have not much to say except you've done a very good work). Movement 4 Movement 4 is my personal favorite. It reminded me a lot of Haydn. The main theme was easy to remember (typical to the A themes of rondos). One thing I always felt of early classical symphonies is that the last movement always feels like if it was rushing to end itself, and I had the same feeling in your last movement (again an accomplishment is creating a good early classical symphony) The coda was amazing and very good. In general I think is an amazing symphony that accomplishes its mission: recreating a symphony in the early classical style. Its easy to digest and the movements flow very smoothly. Great piece Guillem! You should be proud.
  12. Owowowwowowowowowowowwowowowowowowo. If I say the truth, I can't stop myself of coming back to this threat and listen to this piece. Every time I hear it is a totally new experience. I mean now I think it has mor recemblance to the last movment of Shosty's 9th than to Uranus by Holst. Defenetly a great piece like your first movement and the Basson Concerto (wich is a masterpiece on it's own).
  13. Here the second movement. I had it finished already some time ago but I had no time to post it here as I was away from home. The second movement is a slow movement in ABA form in wich B is a Theme and Variations. Sorry that this movement does not fulfill many of the points you told me I should include in my music (as double stops, more counterpoint, pizzicato, rythmic variation, piano immportance or cello spiccato) but I promise that my last movement does include many of the things. The last movement will be in a hellenistic rondo concluding with a fugue. Here the second movement:
  14. It is beautiful, so dramatic and sad, if I ever reached such a level of composition, this would be my masterpiece, the only inconvenient (for me at least) is the end. I'm not saying it has to have a bombastic ending but if you could add a simple but firm perfect cadence at the end I think it would be much better. But at the end of the day you are the composer so you are the one who decides, and how it is now is equally amazing.
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