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Valerio last won the day on November 28 2019

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  1. Thank you! Nice to hear that ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. in spite not liking atonal music, I have to say I found this piece quite compelling. It's very well structured. I like the section starting at b38, and the clusters work really well. Also, well done to musescore! It seems to work great! Is this the new musescore design? I saw a youtube video where they comment on a lot of improvements.. Maybe I should give it a try
  3. I just made a video of this piece if anyone is interested ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. I am really, really pleased about how this piece turned out. It's difficult, but super fun to play. It's gonna be the third and llast movement of a Fruit Sonata (Durian, Buddha Hand, Dragon Fruit). I have published Durian here before, and I have not composed Buddha Hand yet. This is just a quick recording I have done tonight, I will do a better one with video soon ๐Ÿ™‚ Let me know all your thoughts!
  5. Hey @Tรณnskรกld thank you for your input! I will experiment and try to find my favourite workflow ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. I experimented with rewire aland ableton and it kind of works. Do you export the midi from sibelius and play it in your DAW, @Ken320?
  7. Hello. Link seems to be broken! Where do I get this magazine? ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Hello. Link seems to be broken! Where do I get this magazine? Double post! Sorry! Not sure how to cancel this!
  9. Thank you so much! Great info, will follow that tutorial ๐Ÿ™‚
  10. Hi Ken, thank you very much.!As I got interested in the topic recently, I actually learnt how to use Ableton, but I am still not brave enough to actually incorporating it in my music! So if I understand you correctly, you notate all the parts (including the FX parts) in sibelius, then you import it in your DAW and associate every part to a different instrument (which supposedly is 'saved' in your DAW), and then you play it there... is it correct? ๐Ÿ™‚
  11. Unfortunately I am not an expert in writing fugues, so cannot really say much about the piece. I liked it, but I think the audio could be rendered better with some more expressive marks (e.g. the most obvious one: a ritardando before the trill?). I expecially liked the modulation in bar 22. I did not like the main theme though, probably due to the jump on the fifth which sounds a bit empty. What happened to the ending btw? ๐Ÿ˜›
  12. Thank you @Tรณnskรกld! This problem of my music being not cohesive is real - more in other pieces than in this one to be honest! Here I hoped to keep it all together with the use and re-use of the main theme - but it's interesting to know that it didn't really work 100%. Thank you very much for listening ๐Ÿ™‚
  13. for now I have decided to name this piece Durian, a smelly and spiky asian fruit - and potentially give to the other pieces other fruit's names. ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. Hi Ken, I understand this work is a bit old now, but I was going through the hall of fame and I found it. I absolutely love it, so very well done. It's amazing how you mix very melodic parts with some sharp dissonance sections. I also wanted to ask how did you create the score with respect to the mixture of instruments and effect. I am a novice in the area but generally I write my stuff in sibelius and play it with noteperformer. How would you go about in adding effects there? I understand this may be a complex topic, so maybe you can just point me in the rigth direction and I'll figure the rest out? ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks! And congratulation again, amazing work
  15. Hello! Just listened to your piece, very nice indeed, loved the effect version! Can you tell me what's your workflow for adding effect to the piece? I guess you first compose the piece in finale/sibelius, and then .. what? Do you pass it ti Cubase or Ableton? I am really curious about this!
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