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Bradley Scarff

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Bradley Scarff last won the day on March 19 2022

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About Bradley Scarff

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Relatively inexperienced composer who writes primarily what I want to play. I believe all music should be pleasant to the ear and should have a firm basis in some form of tonality.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Music performance analysis of musical ideas and history.
  • Favorite Composers
    Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart, Bach, Rachmaninoff, Liszt Clara schumann, schubert,
  • My Compositional Styles
    Classical, Neo classical, early romantic, Large and small scale works
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Sibelius 7
  • Instruments Played
    Piano, Violin (very early beginner.)

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  1. This is a piece of music I wrote based on an excerpt of William Wordsworths "The prelude-boat stealing" https://www.poetrybyheart.org.uk/poems/the-prelude/ Using themes and melodic and harmonic suggestions of nature and pride that at least, make sense to me. Please let me know what you think.
  2. I was feeling terrible mentally yesterday and spent the entire day writing this, taking heavy influence from Chopin, but trying to put my own spin on it. Please feel free to leave some comments below.
  3. This is a very good start, your counterpoint Is very effective for the most part, though a brush up in a few parts definitely is recommended. Your opening is of course very similar to Eine Klein Nachtmusik, while not a bad thing, it obviously draws comparisons which I think you could avoid by having your initial theme come through earlier. the second theme is nice with some harmonic development, from bar 70 onwards, I really enjoyed that section. be careful with trills in lower and middle registers, they may come out a bit muddy. My main problem with the movement overall is one of balance, more care could be taken with dynamics, melodic range and feel, especially in the more chaotic opening it feels a bit too busy and confusing, in the development bar 140 feels very out of place and jarring, but that's my personal perspective. and then the rhythmic themes afterwards feel very out of the blue, maybe if you introduced it more throughly earlier it could work more convincingly. over all you have many impressive things in this piece and it's a commendable first attempt at string quartet writing. I look forward to hearing more of your writing.
  4. I agree with @PeterthePapercomPoserit's a dynamic issue, not a counterpoint one, the flute needs to be louder, and more contrast based on the timbre of the instruments.
  5. Thanks, I do acknowledge my obsession with C minor, and its curly coincidence that the pieces I've shown here are all in that key I promise 😅
  6. after a long hiatus, I'm back. during this hiatus I wrote a piece which I consider my best yet, a string quartet in a classical/ early romantic style, I wrote it very quickly for a module in the summer of last year (which is why there are so many repeats, it had to be a certain length of time, and I was very pleased with the result. let me know what you think and what you recommend
  7. A piece I wrote over a few weeks, my attempt at a nocturne in ternary form. any feedback is welcome.
  8. Is this violin chord that I'm writing possible to play? many thanks
  9. Continue on the melody but move to the minor is how I would do it. Especially if you don't want to wrap up your development too quick. With the melody add a G# somewhere and use that to transition to the minor. Just my advice. it sounds good so far though.
  10. I would like to enter as a participant. I'm very much looking forward to this.
  11. Yes I'm a ware I quoted Liszt. Mainly because that style of chordal effect was what I wanted. naturally of course one must experiment by looking at how it was done in the style one wants. and greater emotional depth was what I wanted. which I'm glad you felt.
  12. Many thanks. It was mainly an experiment because I struggle writing slower movements. could you please explain what you mean by "Chopinesque roulades"? and yes a different section with a change in harmonic rhythm was needed. as a defence however it was more of a transcription of an improvisation rather than a full composition.
  13. A piano piece written while in a certain mood. I think of it as a sort of reflection while deep in thought. also an experiment using extended chords. written in a more romantic style. any thoughts welcome.
  14. Heya I uploaded another movement. the third. some feedback would be appreciated!
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