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Andrew Lu

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About Andrew Lu

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Starving Musician

Starving Musician (1/15)

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  1. Ninth Plant New Music is excited to announce the 35th annual Suzanne and Lee Ettelson Composer’s Award. An award of $1,000 will be given for a new chamber work. The winning work will be performed in the San Francisco Bay Area during Ninth Planet's 2020-21 concert season. Works not awarded prizes will also be considered for programming. This award is excellent for young and emerging composers! Past winners have included now prolific composers such as Mason Bates, Jennifer Higdon, and David Lang. For details and to enter, please visit our website: http://www.ninthplanetmusic.org/ettelson.html Entries may be scored for one to five performers plus conductor. Performers shall be drawn from the core instrumentation of the ensemble Ninth Planet (one player each): flute/piccolo/alto flute clarinet/bass clarinet trombone electric guitar piano violin cello double bass Scoring may include one or two instruments not listed above, including voice(s) and electronics, but must include at least one member of the core instrumentation. There is no limit to piece length. Entry deadline is Jan. 19, 2020.
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