Anybody out there have a choral composition burning a hole in your pocket? Deadline for the THE PETER & LOIS FYFE CHORAL COMPOSITION PRIZE (sponsored By The Sewanee Church Music Conference) is FEB 15, 2020.
Opportunity: The Sewanee Church Music Conference seeks original, unpublished works for mixed chorus (SATB) with organ, or unaccompanied.
1st Place Award: Cash prize of $2000.00 US will be awarded, PLUS the winner will have his/her work performed at the 2020 Sewanee Church Music Conference.
2nd Place receives a cash award of $1000.00.
3rd place receives $750.00.
Submission fee: $25.00 US per composition
Application deadline: Submissions must be received on our website at by February 15, 2020
Award notification: March 1, 2020
(More details and all requirements listed on website)
Just passing the word along...