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About PBStu

  • Birthday May 6

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I named my cat after Debussy.
    I play Double Bass and Piano, and can barely play the Violin and Cello. I like getting any type of feedback, especially constructive.
  • Gender
  • Location
    Near Sydney, Australia
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Music, reading, writing, hiking, cycling, drawing
  • Favorite Composers
    Dvorak, Brittan, Saint-Saens, Dittersdorf, Debussy, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov,
  • My Compositional Styles
    I honestly have no idea
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Musescore mostly
  • Instruments Played
    Violin, Piano, Double bass (classical)

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  1. I was writing a study in E minor and now I'm stuck. I don't know where to go now and I don't know if what i have already is alright. Please review.
  2. Ummm... Debussy, Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, Teleman, Prokofiev, etc.
  3. Thanks for reviewing, I see what you are saying there, I agree on that, I just suck at writing chords (chording?).
  4. I decided recently to compose a Waltz, feedback greatly appreciated. Thanks🙂 Also, yes, the beginning is not a waltz.
  5. Nice piece, the sound texture of the file doesn't really work with the actual piece but you can't really change that. The 16ths are cool and do work well. The ending seems to go on a bit, cause you have the nice downwards scale, than some chords (which they are probably fine but I personally don't think the first and second chord work that well together), than a nice little upwards arpeggio thingy and a chord.
  6. Very cool! Umm... I like it, it is very interesting. Love what you're going for. 🙂
  7. Thanks for reviewing! 😊
  8. Thanks for the feedback! Because I use Musescore I can't create a suite that easily cause of the formatting but I guess its possible.
  9. Love it! You used bubble dass :). The piano and double bass work well together in this piece.
  10. Cool and unique, like the start, cool ending as well, nice.
  11. I have entered a competition for composing a fanfare and I need feedback on my thing so far. Any feedback/critique greatly appreciated. Thanks,
  12. Hallo! This is a work I spent a little while working on and is quite short for Violin, with Piano accompaniment. Audio is computer generated and broken around 1:30. As always, feedback and critique are greatly appreciated. Danke! (Thank you) p.s. I don't speak very much German so don't bother trying to communicate to me in it.
  13. Honestly they aren't that dance like but I wanted to do this. 😕 Feel free to leave feedback and comment. My internet is really slow. I should probably comment about something else but whatevs.
  14. thank you for your reviews.
  15. I think the harp is a cool addition. It is very cool. The first few bars with the sharps I was like WOAH but now I'm like "This looks cool!"
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