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Ferrum last won the day on December 24 2024

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About Ferrum

  • Birthday 08/23/2004

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  • Biography
    me compose stuf
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  • Interests
    Video Games, Roleplay (mainly RDRP and GTARP), and Audio Dramas (from Fool and Scholar Production).
  • Favorite Composers
    Mahler, Poulenc, R. Strauss, Ravel, Korngold, Kapustin, Sibelius, Rachmaninoff.
  • My Compositional Styles
    Contemporary, Neo-Romantic.
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    FLStudio, Musescore

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  1. For the flute I use Symphonic Sounds (Flute SSO), for the bassoon I use VSCO 2, and before, for the piano I use Yamaha C5 but I've changed to Salamander. Thank you! The OST's theme is very sustained because it's supposed to be an ambience, so I had to get creative with the variations/paraphrases. Also, while composing, I tried to focus on juggling between all three instruments, so I hope they sound balanced. Again, thanks for the reply.
  2. Hi, this is a side piece that I've worked on whilst I work on the revision for the Alula Variations (I love doing reworks on a 30 mins piece's score hahaha....). I chose bassoon and flute because I kinda wanted to write a chamber piece and write for bassoon. I also like the vibe of the OST. So yeah, hope you enjoy!
  3. Since I don't know where to post this, I'll just post it here.

    I've actually been working on a revision of the Alula Variations, and so far, I've done a ton of progress. New transitions, replacing (what I think are) bad variations, enhancing already existing variations (haven't revised the ending yet though). I'm very excited to share it sometime in the near future!

  4. Travis really nails the theme here and I'm glad that I was able to expand and explore his theme(s) so that I can bring it/them to a much further potential. And I'm glad you like my orchestration too! Thanks for the feedback!
  5. Yeaa me too! When I heard the original song for the first time, I knew that I had to lean more on the mode. You might've also noticed that I was switching between Dorian and Melodic since they're so similar. I really love the main theme. So yes, you're correct! I'm glad that you feel the same way as I do because I plan to explore more of the other songs' themes in this way, each with a different twist of course. Appreciate the feedback and thanks for commenting!
  6. Hello! This is the "vocal piece" that I was talking about! Its for soprano, string quartet, woodwind quintet and harp. Of course it's going to be a full song cycle in the future, but as of right now, this is the only one that is finished. For context, most of these songs are going to be from the series "Dark Dice" (by Fool and Scholar Production). However, I am planning to do original compositions on the texts from the series as well. As for this song, it is one which a character (Glom)'s mother used to sing when he was small. It is used in a scene where her sister (Gaelle) started to sing the song in his mind through a spell as he was starting to sleep. As always, I appreciate the feedbacks and hope you enjoy.
  7. Hello! The piece does a great job at making me feel uneasy. The droopiness of the theme and the downward staccato notes really do it for me. However, while I do feel the emotion of sorrow and depressed, I feel like it leans more to the ones of dread or anxious, especially with the staccato notes. Another mood that I'm feeling is wandering. It does keep me on my toes. I suppose the short dissonant brass notes is supposed to be a climax. However, the build up made with lone xylophone line accompanied with the double basses and the orchestration of the climax make it hard to feel anything other than dread, terror, or horror. I feel like if you want to "tease" the tonic, one way, in my opinion, is to use more traditional chords or cadences and play with expectation, because the context of this feels more like atonality not so much "wandering" where the tonic is. I do like the build up on bar 37 for the flute solo starting with the lone quarter note bassoon. Very uneasy. The flute solo on bar 49 I think does the greatest job at conveying the emotion of sorrow. You did great job with the sparse orchestration! The ending, to me, feels final, with the descending lines of clarinet and bassoon, and the final duo between the double basses and bassoon really nail the punctuation. I also like how you rarely used the double basses and saving it for some important moment. The basses feel very salient in those final bars. Overall, I feel like I'm trapped in an underground mines with a caved-in way out, your fellow miners have gone insane, and there's a lanky monster nearby (definitely not from a plot of an audio drama series that I've been watching lmao). Thanks for sharing!
  8. Wow you make a really detailed catalogue of your own works!


    1. Ferrum


      Yeah, I try to. I was actually inspired from you! So, thanks for that! (just updated some parts just 'cause you reminded me lol)

  9. Toreador march was a prominent theme in FNAF, and it is infact not just a quote for this piece. The first 4 bars, the main theme of the introduction, is built/just variation upon that. Funniest thing? I did not quote anything outside the theme list lmao. 18:50 is a development/variation of bar. 159, it does seem familiar though. I think the theme lists showing the actual themes in different staves, not just a list, is a good idea, never thought of that. The thing is that the purpose of this piece was to share it to the Fanverse community first. I was gonna make a video about this, upload it to YouTube, and share it with the community, but the scoring of this took way too long and I had already burned out. So I changed my plan and decided to upload it here, get some feedbacks, and then maybe some time in the future I'll actually make the video. I did notice that it really relied on knowledge of these themes, hell, I had even realized that this contains just TOO MUCH THEMES mere days before I went to the scoring and polishing stage. I really didn't wanna waste 4 years of effort so I just went on with it. Should've just chosen like 3 themes from the start, but then again, this piece had the community first in mind. Funnily enough, I was going to include "Medley" on the title, but decided against it because I want to alliterate the title and pair "Fazbear Fanverse Fugato" with something, so I chose "Fantasy". You could had actually seen the previous title before I posted this topic in my "about me" section. I haven't checked and commented on this website as often as I used to, before posting this piece that is, but I'll definitely consider checking that once it is done! I've tried to give some sense to this piece by repeating the themes over and over again before entering/introducing new themes, but I do agree that it is a bit haphazard. Thank you! Hopefully it doesn't spiral out of control and turn into a "mess" that is this 35 minutes piece, lmao. Overall, a bittersweet feeling. You know, actually finishing a 35 minutes piece WITH score and engravings (with some errors STILL present, argggh), and you ended up feeling meh afterwards. Oh well, at least I've started a more simpler vocal piece to ease up the slop. Thanks for the feedback.
  10. Yoo thanks for the reply and the compliments! I did not expect to find another fnaf fan and a fellow composer on this forum specifically. I've always wanted to make something for fnaf, and with the fanverse announcement, that desire would come eventually. Hope you enjoy the rest of the piece because it gets a bit harder at some point. Though, I think the last sections make up for it. Thank you again for the feedbacks!
  11. Welp, it's been a bit and I've come back with, would you look at that, a 35 minute one continuous movement piece? Never done that before, yup. But seriously, I've been working on this piece for like, 4 years? Obviously I didn't constantly work on it, between my spare time more likely. You can look at the score for more information about it. It's a very technical and dense piece, and I totally understand if you get tired in the middle of listening (I get tired too lmao). Anyways, I got nothing else to say other than to enjoy the piece! Feedbacks are always welcome.
  12. You could play the 2 voices in succession or arpeggiate it, either works. I've seen many scores with chords that are like almost "impossible" to play, but the pianist ended up doing either of those two things (I know the audio provided doesn't do that). This specific section is also a slow solo section therefore the pianist is in full control of the tempo. So yeah, I think it's fine. Yeah, I've learned the same thing. But through many scores that I've learned from, I've actually seen many specifications of bowings in the strings in some parts. Definitely need a bit more research on that. Thanks for listening! Glad you enjoyed it.
  13. Hey dude! It's fine if you cannot get into my piece! It's shows that you've tried to at least give it a chance and I really appreciate that. Your reasoning is honestly quite fair. I know I used a lot of quartal harmonies (what can I say, I like how they sound lol) and the final climax of the piece unfortunately is just a lot of I-IV due to time constraint. I know I could get more creative with that but y'know. Also, the structure of the piece is just Introduction-A-B-A-Coda. I know it's more detailed than that and a lot of the themes are referenced many times throughout, which kind of blurred the structure a bit. In addition, the Coda is a variation of the combined Intro and the A theme placed at the end of the piece, so I get why it gets a bit confusing. I'm really glad that you're honest about this and you give your own personalized criticism with your own taste in music. I am not in the slightest discouraged by it at all and it honestly kinda balances it out with all the compliments and stuff. So yeah, don’t fret about it. I too sometimes do not feel like I have a thing that's called "love" so I try to haphazardly convey what "love" is through the medium known as music (lol). Thanks for the feedback!
  14. For sure. I've always imagined this piece as a "second" movement of a regular 3-movement piano concerto, where the second movement is usually much more calmer and in ternary form. Obviously in the usual ternary form, the "B" part is often as calm and singing as the "A" material (not every time though). However, this is just a one movement piano concerto, so I feel like adding some bouncy melodies in the "B" part to add some contrast. Awh you're too kind! Thanks for the feedback and the compliments! I really, really appreciate it.
  15. Yeah, you're right! Many video game OSTs have indeed influenced at least some parts of my style. I often watch gameplay videos or playthroughs multiple times for many games in my spare time (simply because I don't have the equipment to run such games). If a game's soundtrack appeals to me, I'll often find said game soundtrack album on Spotify and listen to it many times. I mean, I have even orchestrated, made variations, and made sonatas with theme taken directly from games, and I haven't even posted half of them here yet! So much so that I sometimes struggle to actually compose an original melody just because I really like to develop video game OSTs to larger works. I guess you could say that I was mainly exploring with harmony. I'm a harmony guy so I've been experimenting with taking notes from a theme and exploring those notes in a different key. My style lately could be described as "state a theme in a key, develop said theme in different keys creating ambiguity, go back to the key where the theme is stated with lots of unresolved cadences until the end, and also inject said music with so many weird chords and copious amount of nostalgia". Some of those tendencies don't apply here, but they definitely apply to my other works. Oh yeah, and also converting a theme to a different scale, like B-flat major to G minor (I know it's a relative minor, but you get what I mean, major to minor, that stuff). As for melody, I guess it's just the basic rule of creating a good theme, like taking a fragment and repeating said fragment in a single theme. Mann, you've said this at least twice now, I think. I am really flattered. Thank YOU for listening!
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