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bananasv3 last won the day on February 11 2020

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  1. Thanks for the advice and information! True, I lack a lot of what would be basic knowledge so whenever I make any music, I do it by ear and using the quite simple but efficient MuseScore. I'll do some research and see how it helps me. Regarding the oriental music difference, I looked up the different pentatonic scales they use to make that melody (with an unknown degree of success) and truly, it's very difficult for me to get used to that style.
  2. yeah I think I wrote this post horribly. By leitmotif I mean the melody progression that gets repeated during the first 30 seconds of the piece. This melody represents the character. I made it sound like I was asking for people to compose for me, but instead I meant to throw this piece out and see if anyone wants to work with it or give me advice. I just mean to learn from the rest of users
  3. Hey everyone; I'm gonna go straight to the point. I think I have a bit of talent (at least enough to kick off a good enough melody) but I lack the experience and creeativity to extend these. So I have decided to challenge myself (and also get some advice from other, more experienced composers) to make an ambient theme out of some short music I wrote for a friend's character in an rpg we are playing. The music in question is attached, and my idea is to take the leitmotif of her character to make a longer, more calm-sounding, ambient theme that last for a few minutes and reminds the listener of the character in question. This piece is not copyrighted and is not used in any environment that is monetized, and I am just looking for people who want to work with this piece and compare their work to others. My intent is to learn from your pieces how I can make something longer (and to sate my curiosity and see my work altered by others), and I hope you'll like this little song and enjoy working with it!
  4. Thanks! Last night I did some research by myself and I found that using the Shamisen, Koto, and Tarogato (I don't know if this one is asian) made for quite the good sounding trio. I'll definitely check those out 😄 I read something about the different scales that they use, but I didn't apply it yet to my compositions. Thanks for the info! I'll attach a little piece that I did last night and see what you think of it if it's alright
  5. Hello again, I am returned for a bit from my inactivity period, with a question that I hope will be interesting for you. But first, some context: I am playing Legend of the 5 Rings with a few friends. This is a table top rpg that's based in a fantasy world that takes after a lot of asian mythology, mainly japanese, chinese. I want to give it a try to compose some music that sounds like it belongs in it, but MuseScore has so many instruments that I have a hard time choosing which ones to use. Do you have any tips on what instruments you like to use or would use when composing something to sound Asian? Thanks in advance!
  6. Hey everyone, thanks for the advice. As Jean said, as the scores were for a soundtrack, some of the pieces needed to be extended. While some were simple enough that would be looped, others were supposed to last between 2 and 3 minutes, while my original scores would last around a minute, 90 seconds at max. I've been reviewing all of my "finished" themes to see what I can do in other themes to make them longer. Again, now I'm worried that this will just make all my scores feel the same, but I'm putting in all my efforts to make sure it doesn't happen. When I finish, I will upload it to this website and see your opinions. Have a nice day! c:
  7. Hey thanks for your tips! I felt like, even if nothing's truly original, my scores were too close to copying others, but I will take your advice and work on the parts of my music that truly feel "unique" and see if with some effort I can improve on my own work. Hope you have a nice day 😄
  8. hello! I don't know if you're looking to do it by hand, or if you want to do it on a score, but what helps me add chords when I wanna make a melody a bit prettier, is to write it out on MuseScore (or any other score-writing software) so I can edit it out easily and see how it sounds.
  9. Hello! It's my first post here, I hope I'll find this community comfortable to stay 😄 So, I am a very amateur composer, I have a lot of "experience" with music, since all my life I've been listening to and playing instruments, my father is a songwriter and singer, my brother is a videogame composer, and I've always been quite interested in music. Recently, after meddling in MuseScore for a few months, I got the chance to write some music for some indie, new amateur game developers, and while they absolutely loved my compositions (even though I, myself, think they are quite mediocre) they did notice that they were quite short, and I would need to extend them a bit. Now, I am no expert composer, and while I always try to make up my music off the top of my head, it's unavoidable to look to inspiration (for me, Martin O'Donnell and Yoko Shimomura are the ones), but when I try to extend those scores, I realise that it always ends up sounding like music from other composers, instead of something original made by myself. I've been blocked because of this issue, because no matter how much I wait, or how much I focus I can't seem to extend those pieces without falling back into what has already been done by professionals. Don't get me wrong, I know that making something 100% original is very difficult, but most of the time it's really easy to see that the music I make sounds very similar to those other pieces, and I feel like I should be able to do better. What can I do to help make my scores sound a bit more unique? I have been blocked for quite some time now 😕 Thanks in advance!
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