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About TheCluelessClariney

  • Birthday September 24

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  • Biography
    Cloe Talplacido, a junior. Wanting to be a composition major in college.
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  • Interests
    Music, stationery, penpaling etc.
  • Favorite Composers
    Rossano Galante, Dvorak,
  • My Compositional Styles
    I've been told all I write is fairy music.
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
  • Instruments Played
    Clarinet, ukelele, guitar, piano, trumpet, saxophone, flute

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  1. Thank you so much! I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner, I've been busy with college applications. But thank you so much!
  2. Thank you so much for all of this great information! I have the musescore doc here: https://musescore.com/user/30353801/scores/6339912. And I didn't think of how it would be in a real setting if all of those mallets were to play over the flute. I think I'll just leave it with the glockenspiel then. And thank you for all of the compliments on my work as well 😄 I'll try and use those forms instead of whatever it is that I'm doing!
  3. I completely agree with the last part when you said that I lack the proficiency. I really do and I know I shouldn't be writing for such a large ensemble, but I do it anyway lmao. Thank you so much for your feedback, and I'll try and fix it so it flows better 😄
  4. The title is definitely just a filler, until I come up with a better idea, but I'd love some feedback! I know you guys told me to write for smaller ensembles, and I have been, but I also love writing for larger ones. Don't mind a couple of the extra instruments... I used a format on musescore lmao so it's put there automatically. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this piece! Be super nit-picky about it, I don't mind. I know writing for such a large ensemble is out of my range... there's probably an armata of orchestration issues I'm not aware of. But slowly and surely I'm learning, and it's thanks to you guys!
  5. so i should cut down on which parts? The one where its overlapping or the one where its the runs?
  6. Omg online it said it was ninth! I need to fix that lmaooo thank you for telling me! And I think I might add something before that chord. I kind of want to get all the parts to like five minutes each, so the whole thing will be an hour long. I might be overreaching my limits though. Anyways, thank you for the feedback!
  7. https://musescore.com/user/30353801/scores/6339912 I've had an idea for a 12 movement piece that is based on each member of the horoscopes. This one is based on Libra. I'd like any feedback you'd be willing to give me, as well as any ideas that you might have for the continuation of the piece. Thank you so much!
  8. I've been trying to experiment more with different rhythms and chords and things but is this just bad? Or is it inventive or what like help I don't know. https://musescore.com/user/30353801/scores/6260670 Thank you!
  9. @caters I had originally written it for the piano, but I liked the harp midi better. When it's performed it will be on a piano for my college portfolio! Also in regard to the rests, Im just too lazy to take them out haha.
  10. @Monarcheon Yes! Harp pedals! I really need to look at orchestration, that's normally everyone's biggest problems with my pieces. Thank you for your feedback!
  11. @Jean Szulc Thank's so much! I think you're right about the smaller pieces, although I think that writing for orchestras are more fun haha. I'll try to experiment with tremolos in those areas you said!
  12. Amazing as always Jean! Seriously. If you were alive a long time ago, we'd be studying your work in class.
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