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  1. Thanks Peter, once again, for your comments. It was a big piece for me and took a long time, I wasn't trying to mimic the exact birds, but I did take a lot of walks birding when the pandemic hit, and this piece was my impression of those experiences.
  2. Thanks for your close listen Tom. I appreciate the close listens and your pros and cons. You definitley took the time to listen. I hope that some of the mechanical-ness you heard is partially a result of a midi track. I obviosuly wasn't going for something mechanical haha. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy where the piece did go, but I can assure you I wasn't copying and pasting anything. It felt like an enormous piece for me to put together, as I don't often write for so many instruments. I hope to do better next time!
  3. Thanks Peter, I really appreciate your comment. The balance of simplicity and complexity is definitely a goal I want to reach with everything. I'm new to this site, but would be interested to hear something of yours!
  4. Thank you Peter, I really appreciate it. Yes, I was inspired by Spiegel im Spiegel. I suggested that piece for my friend's wedding a few years ago. When it came to my own, I wanted something like that too.
  5. This is the biggest piece I've written. Please listen if you have time, and if you enjoy it, please subscribe to my Youtube channel, as I'd like to grow it!
  6. If you like this work, please subscribe to my Youtube channel, as I'm trying to grow.!
  7. Thanks J. Yes the beginning has the motive from the Cm prelude. The only change is instead of a Cm chord, i used a Cmin7 chord. I used the motive for the whole piece but once it goes into the legato section it has a more romantic style than baroque. Thanks for taking such a close listen!
  8. Thanks Calibiri!
  9. Hi guys, I'm new to Young Composer's. I just had one of my pieces recently recorded and I posted to Youtube. I'd love for you guys to take a listen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMBLrWS7mhg&feature=youtu.be I hope everyone is doing well and hanging in there in these times! J
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