Hey, Mark,
I am just wondering since I can't read .MUS files...
Why 6-2 in a minor key? That's a dim 5th but if you wanted it that way on purpose, that's fine.
I normally think in numeric progressions because I am used to pop/rock songwriting/composing, but I am such a beginner in orchestral writing that I am both stuck and embarassed to admit, and very thankful for this forum.
As an example, and the only reason I saw this, is that my favorite progression of all time is 1-6-3-7 in a minor key.
I'll have to grab something that can read .MUS files. All I have is NOTION and sequencers like Cubase and Tracktion.
Anyway, 15, eh? Good for you. Does your High School offer Music Theory? I took it in High School, too...but probably before your mom and dad...you know...
Thank you for posting this!
- A