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Ivan1791 last won the day on July 6

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About Ivan1791

  • Birthday 05/25/2000

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  • Biography
    After 2 years of depression I decided to get a life from music and so I started composing. I have ASD and I don't have the best social life. If you want to know more about me just ask, I'm open to knowing people. I'm 21 years old.
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  • Interests
    Maths, nature, anime, films, videogames.
  • Favorite Composers
    Bach, Beethoven, Mozart. (No specific order)
  • My Compositional Styles
    Pretty much all, but I'm better with romantic and modern styles.
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  1. Hello everyone. I haven't really composed anything interesting when it comes to orchestral music but I still wanted to share this miniature I wrote 2 years ago. Do you think it matches the style of Webern?
  2. I will certainly participate in this with my future"Distorted Thought 5". I will make it as scary and uncanny as possible. It will be a 5-6 minutes piano piece and I will provide you a recording. Thanks for organizing this.
  3. Thank you very much! I think this nocturne sounds like a middle ground between Chopin and Scriabin. Yes, I don't do it often. Usually I take many hours for short 2-3 minute pieces. I didn't have any specific inspiration, it was whatever came to my mind at that moment. Thank you! Yes, and also the accompaniment is the same texture all the time and it is simple. Glad to see you enjoyed it. 🙂
  4. Hello everyone! Today I'm sharing this little piece I composed in less than an hour. Personally I don't think it is very interesting but at least it is a cool challenge, because I am a slow composer most of the time. I hope you enjoy!
  5. It could be! Thank you very much. Personally I'm not satisfied with the performance but I can hardly do better now and I hate taking so many takes of the same short piece. Thank you. Yes, "Le gibet" is a favourite of mine and I also kept it in mind when composing this. Some sounds of this piece could be seen as bells, yes, mainly the chords of the last measure. Thank you very much for sharing! Actually I have plans on composing a dark lieder in Spanish and I was trying to find good lyrics about death. Something like Béquers "Al ver mis horas de fiebre...". If you know any more Spanish poems related to the theme of death feel free to share them!
  6. Yes haha, some people have pointed it out too. Actually some people on Reddit offered possible lore related to that dance quality. Thank you very much! I'm glad you think the piece is well crafted. The texture is a bit more elaborated than what I'm used to, but the melodies and themes work similarly to what I usually do with short pieces. Thank you! Yes, I agree it is one of my pieces with the best textures.
  7. Hello everyone, long time no see. My life has been a mess lately. Anyways, I thought this piece would be a cool way to get back to posting on the forum. As the title says I don't know what title to give the composition, but it should be something somber and evocative. Also this is one of my compositions with the most elaborate textures even though the work is only 32 measures long. For more information feel free to leave a question. 🙂
  8. Thank you so much! I agree it's a pretty morbid piece, and the half diminished arpeggios are like a forgotten eerie reminiscence of tonality. I'm glad my untuned piano was a fitting option for this piece haha. I really appreciate your comment!
  9. I stayed awake for the next day but after that I had some decent rest. xD Interesting, like Moses story. 🙂 I think I pictured a chathedral in my mind when writing it. Yes, the false relationship is the main generatig idea. It comes from the G/G# that appears between bass and alto in the first 3 measures. I thought about different solutions and I decided to use that one because from experience I always found dominant 7ths a type of chord that allows many different dissonances to work. So I couldn't miss the Bb (which I rewrote as an A#), and the false relationship was what I wanted to accentuate for the cadence. Maybe in 5 voices I would have done something a bit different. I will think about it. I did this piece as a way to return to choral writing, so I need to get used to it again. You are welcome! Thank you for your appreciation and your comment. ^^ You are right. A friend of mine ( @Ferran Carrasquer ) experimented a bit and he found out that with Audacity the playback can sound very realistic. I will use it for next time. Thanks for commenting!
  10. Hello everyone, I was really busy the past few weeks so only now I'm able to show you my new project. Estampas_de_España.pdf https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xnciHniD_iW3uBUrxphiy_p4QF9xaSEe?usp=drive_link (The same PDF just in case) Basically, I'm organizing a cultural project where composers from all around the globe put piano music to a selection of paintings. The best pieces will be included in a collaborative set that will be performed in the future (up to 16 pieces for the official collaborative album). The best composition will receive a 500 euros prize, the second best work will receive 200 euros prize, I will offer a few 30 euros rewards to other great pieces (up to 3 extra rewards). I hope many people will participate, see you soon! Don't forget to send me your painting choices so I can organize better (to my email ivanmusic1791@gmail.com). Here you have the drive with the paintings: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rR-lpQH18sTy6qRqH2_QcR7DIMd4Z0Y8?usp=drive_link If you have any doubts contact me over email! But I will be able to reply here for a few days, but I might not check it as often.
  11. Yes, there are pages and pages of theory about microtonal music. And it is true the ear always tries to find "tonality", but in this case I believe it is more about finding pitches that serve as anchor points. Also because I used sine waves and pure ratios it can also be linked to timbre. The line between harmony and timbre is fascinating.
  12. I did this with audacity. The base frequency is 264Hz and each chord has 5 pitches I obtain by multiplying the frequency by (ratio shown in each measure)^[0,1,2,3,4]
  13. Hahahahaha, it's to funny to imagine the idea of describing the sadness of not being able to sleep. 😂 I always saw it as "Christe Eleison". You are right! I probably took inspiration unconsciously.
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