Hey there,
since i am new to this forum: a big hello to everyone. 😉
After several years i went back to my keyboard and DAW, and this is the result. I got the idea for this piece while reading a fantasy book, set in the fictionious world of "Aventurien".
The main character, a seaman named Asleif Phileasson - also known as the "Foggwulf" - goes on a perilous adventure. I pictured him and his crew, sailing through the dangerous sea.
And then i had this main theme in my mind, which was the starting point for building this track.
This is a classic orchestral piece, no synths or sound effects. I wasn't sure about posting it in this section of the forum, or in "Orchestral and Large Ensemble", but since it is more the film/videogame type of score, i thought it would be better here.
This was made with Cubase and the Hollywood Instrument Libraries of EastWest.
So, let me know what you think. I appreciate any kind of feedback. Thanks! 🙂