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About BrotherVIOLA666

  • Birthday 03/25/2004

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  • Biography
    Just an amateur composer trying to blend one culture to another. 12 years pf studying carnatic music.
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  • Favorite Composers
    Chopin, Beethoven, Corelli,Vivaldi, Bach,Scarlatti,Mozart,Haydn,Salieri,liszt,Sorabji,Stravinsky,Tyagaraja,Deekshithar, Syama sastri,Brahmendral, Amir khusrau(these 4 are indian classical music composers the first 3 are carnatic and the last one is hindusthani).
  • My Compositional Styles
    pseudo-minimalism, romantic, classical, Baroque instrumentated romanticism. Modern
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Flat.io (musescore coming soon)
  • Instruments Played

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  1. Hello guys. Haven't been active in this forum for a long time. So this is my second draft of my first string quartet. So you're advices/critiques will help in my venture in writing the next parts of the piece (yes some parts are not good).Hope you like it. https://flat.io/score/5e6f38d9b35b8f06521c6575-string-quartet-no-1-in-e-minor-2020
  2. sound's very Beethoven-ish. I mean we can't criticize you for that. If anyone's writing a trio or quartet it'd unknowingly get "Beethovenised" (tha's my opnion.) This is a good work .
  3. https://www.youngcomposers.com/t40211/etude-no-1-madness/?tab=comments#comment-1186694040 check this.
  4. I never thought of that. I mean it was after reading an article if wind instruments could play octaves and chords. Maybe might change it after sometime. I'm not the Sax guy.
  5. i'll work on that
  6. nicknamed it the Metric Etude. Mainly in E phrygian and E minor. https://flat.io/score/5f328cc6c936572203b428d8-etude-no-1-folia
  7. https://flat.io/score/5f1d77bd319f3e32ff6caa7d-music-that-is-not-clickbait
  8. i didn't find a better forum to post it on.
  9. https://flat.io/score/5f24fb35642bf90cb384b02a-melody-ai-piece
  10. https://flat.io/score/5e79c27f3483be5b348fe9bc-ragas-series-hameer-kalyani
  11. Well composing with a raga in mind is incredibly hard in western music,because, there is less movement within one single note.
  12. https://flat.io/score/5ed89a3cd4339e2f92cad50f-impression
  13. thanks, i'll try to revise the piece again. AND BTW, The festival lydian mode is you meant,is the indian raga called Hameer kalyani,we have this concept of parent raga and the raga's that take root from that particular raga (there are 72 parent raga). The western mode of lydian is equivalent to the 65th parent raga in the melakartha system, Kalyani and the raga i used here ( Hameer Kalyani) was born from this raga.
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