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Leonardo C. Núñez

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Leonardo C. Núñez last won the day on August 30 2022

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About Leonardo C. Núñez

  • Birthday 07/27/2002

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  • Biography
    Born in a very musical family next to Amsterdam. I study bassoon in the conservatory of Amsterdam
  • Gender
  • Location
    Amsterdam - The Netherlands
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  • Interests
    Classical music
  • Favorite Composers
    Shostakovich, Bartok, Schoenberg, Stravinsky
  • My Compositional Styles
    Expressionism, Neo-classical, Impressionism
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Notion 6
  • Instruments Played
    Piano, Bassoon

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  1. You always were funny my man hahahah! But I share this to get feedback really 🙂
  2. Thank you for your comment! I just feel like writing a 3d movement like that. Remember that this will be a suite with idk 8 movements or something like that. I think 1 of those movements can be a fugue. Just wait until its finished and tell me then if you like it or not. It wont just sound like a Bach fugue.
  3. Hello everyone! It has been a very long time since I was on this forum and Im excited to share something again and discuss it with other people! For if you dont know who I am: I am Leonardo! I am a 20 year old dutch dude thats studies Bassoon in Amsterdam! I also play piano, violin and as you can see I compose as well. Of course my main focus is Bassoon at the moment. I will share my latest work in progress: a suite for bassoon trio! I have been working on this piece on and off for about 4 weeks and have finished the first 2 movements and a schets of the 4th movement. Im sharing this to get some feedback, because honestly I want to know if it has some potential before I commit more time into it. Alright now to the music! So this piece is named "Mickey" which is the name of my family cat. Sadly he is very ill with heart and lung problems... Thats why I named this piece after him. All movements in the pdf: 1st: "Voorspel", is translated to "Pregame" or "Foreplay". Maybe sounds kinky but it really just means "prelude" hahaha. 2nd: "Gedachten", is translated to "thoughts". This movement has a more serious tone. 3d: (audio is not added in because its not finished). Its a fugue like movement where I follow most of the rules of a fugue. 4th: "Ooit", is translated to "Ever". I started this schets 2 days ago and finished it today. You can ignore whats on the final page. Let me know in particular if you like this one, im on the fence myself.. Thank you for taking your time! I really appreciate it immensely! I hope to hear from you soon! 🙂 Greetings, Leonardo C. Nunez
  4. Thank you for all the feedback! I agree with everything you say really haha
  5. Have not been on the forum for some time! Its nice to be back haha. I just finished high school so I have time to be on forums again lol I had written this quartet at the end of last year, it took me around 3 months to complete. Its the first time trying to write for strings only! It has 5 movements with each a very own feeling to it. Hopefully you enjoy it 🙂
  6. You tagged the wrong person, I think you meant @Luis Hernández right?
  7. Please, don’t worry lol, last time was just luck
  8. Thanks for the comment, yes its a simple piece I wrote it in 2 hours or something. Just quickly practising, I dont really had an idea when composing it, I just thought this sounded pretty cool lol. Maybe later when I have time I could orchestrate it!
  9. Have been too busy to write big orchestra pieces, but I have been writing many small pieces for solo or small ensembles. This is one of those small pieces, Played by meeeee! Let me know what you think! 🙂
  10. Interesting, never heard anything like it before! Well made Hendrik
  11. Actually had some time at school to listen and look. It seems fine to me, even the low quick staccato. A normal bassoonist should be able to play it. Should...
  12. Yes i agree with Hendrik, also you forget sometimes to put rests in measures that are not being used. Great composition 🙂
  13. I really like this, it reminds me of a lot of music i like to listen to. Well made
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