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Rileyt last won the day on June 19 2020

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About Rileyt

  • Birthday 01/04/2007

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I’m just a high schooler with way too much free time, so I use it to learn new instruments all the time and write/arrange music.
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  • Interests
    Filming, reading, playing chess and checkers, and playing my flute/writing music.
  • Favorite Composers
    Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Brian Balmages, etc.
  • My Compositional Styles
    Since I’m fairly new to composing I’m still trying to figure out my style. For now though I’d say Chamber Music.
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    I mainly use NoteFlight and Soundtrap.
  • Instruments Played
    I currently play Flute, Alto Sax, and Violin.

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  1. I wrote this about half a year ago when going through the beginnings of depression, hence the darkish tone to it. I’m not necessarily looking for critiques, as I wrote this just to vent some inner frustrations, and only spent about an hour or two on it and didn’t put much effort into it. Just felt like sharing. Catharsis 2.mp3
  2. Hey, it’s nice to be back on here after about a year of being away. I wrote this piece in June so it’s not anything new, but I wanted to post it because I was proud of writing my first waltz-y type pieces. Waltz No. 1.mp3
  3. Rileyt


    Thanks a lot! It really means a lot, since I practically teach myself composition with just the internet and my AP theory book, so I’m glad that I seem to be getting better. I will continue to study counterpoint and harmony and hopefully I will continue to get better with it.
  4. This is a draft of a piece I just finished. I was inspired by looking at the stars the other night. This is why I added so many high sixteenth notes; they reminded me of twinkling stars. I also added a short variation of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in the beginning of page 2. As for the name, it’s a reference to when you wish on a shooting star. I really need advice on how to make this better and longer in the final version. I need to lengthen it by 2 minutes and I have some ideas but I want to hear other people’s ideas. Thanks.
  5. I really liked this piece! I don’t really have enough experience to offer advice but I really enjoyed it. Keep up the good work!
  6. I don’t think I’m quite experienced enough to offer advice, but I felt the need to say great job! I really liked listening to this piece and honestly if it was on Spotify or amazon music I’d add it to my playlist so I could listen to it more often. Nice job!
  7. Rileyt


    This is a piece I just finished. It’s more of a draft, and the main reason I’m posting it hear is for feedback and advice on how to make it better. As for the title, I have synesthesia when it comes to relating music and musical notes to colors, and this piece as a whole just really put the color Indigo in my head.
  8. Quinn, I am currently studying an AP music theory book on my own and trying to teach myself music theory and composing (I’m not in high school yet so I can’t take a class), and the book does mention basic harmony. I don’t have a keyboard (unless GarageBand sort of counts) but I’ll have to look into traditional harmony more. Thanks for the advice!
  9. Some info about this piece: It’s based off of the poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar titled ‘Invitation To Love’. Unfortunately because of the program I use the performers in the audio file don’t sing the lyrics (words to the poem). This is the first piece of music I’ve written for a vocalist. Typically I only do instrumentalists and I didn’t know a lot at all about vocalists when I wrote this. I am essentially teaching myself, so if anyone has advice for writing for vocalists please help me out! Hope you enjoy!
  10. This piece was something I put together a while ago. It isn’t to complex and like usual, I’m always welcoming to advice on how to make the harmony a bit more complicated.
  11. This is a piece I wrote a little while ago and forgot to post. It makes me think of my childhood home; hence the name. I know that the harmonies aren’t too advanced, and I gladly welcome advice or suggestions as to how to complicate it a little more!
  12. This is a piece I wrote recently about a nervous auditioner (I think that’s the right word) in an audition for area or district band. It is supposed to be more on the theatrical side with some instruments representing people. There are four movements, each representing a part of the audition process. I will explain each one in depth:
  13. Rileyt


    This is a piece that I posted on another forum but I have since made many changes. I don’t really have much to say about the piece but as always I am welcome to any advice or feedback. By the way, the peace calmed me so I called it Serenity.
  14. I just finished writing this short piece but I can’t think of a name for it. I usually have this problem so I figured for this piece I’d ask people on this forum to help me. Thanks☺️
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