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Nicholas Solis

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About Nicholas Solis

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  1. Its been exactly 1 year since I started to get into composing... since I am a self taught composer who comes from a sting background, I lack the knowledge of good orchestration when it comes to Brass and Woodwind sections. lol The following is a piece I've been working on for almost 2 months and I've realized ,when looking at the sore, that the Woodwind section seems a bit naked and stripped away from its potential. If you can, please leave suggestions on what I can implement or scratch from the piece in order to make it more solidified!!
  2. Hey yall, I just recently finished reading 1984 by George Orwell and was inspired to write a piece or pieces to match the novel. I drew inspiration from much of Shostakovich's works, but i struggle to continue writing since it is a such a slow and laborious piece. String_Suite_-_Cremation_of_the_Soul (1).mp3
  3. Hey!! I finished this piece with the intention of making 2 other movements to compliment it, but I run into a problem on what the other movements should sound like. I'm debating on if I should mimic the styles of Britten's "Simple Symphony op.4" or if I should follow the concept of Bartok's String Quartet no.4 Let me know what best suits this quirky piece, enjoy!!
  4. I'm currently working the 2nd movement of this symphony, but I would like suggestions for the 1st movement (comments, Ideas, Tips, etc.) Sheet Music: https://flat.io/score/5eef99454b53ee4e7d13f68e-my-music-score?sharingKey=28554ceb90a5639dd05223c384b97a11b95893f1e3642e694631f9971e29475dbc0741f00b48d266840b8fcbfb6eb584f694720100ed36c17fc404f9594ec2fe Thank you!!
  5. I wanted to put a sound to my dreams and I feel this piece best suits it!! Leave a comment and enjoy!! Sheet Music: https://flat.io/score/5ed7175b0e11096fbd93d018-lucid-dreams
  6. This is my 1st orchestra chamber piece... Hope everyone enjoys!!! A Lovers Dilemma (1).mp3 Sheet Music: https://flat.io/score/5eb99ee6ae694208449213c9-a-lovers-dilemma
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