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MJFOBOE last won the day on July 18

MJFOBOE had the most liked content!



Profile Information

  • Biography
    I am an amateur composer and Oboist. I play principal in 2 community orchestras and occasionally with a third one. I also play in a woodwind quartet. I began composing about 12 years ago.
  • Gender
  • Location
    New York Metro Area
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Audio/Visual Projects
  • Favorite Composers
    Prokofiev, Debussy, Bach, Poulenc
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Finale v26
  • Instruments Played
    Oboe, a bit of piano

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  1. Congratulations on the completion of the Suite. It is a work of love and intense dedication. I enjoyed the thematic material and orchestration and deep felt spirit. Mark
  2. Very Very beautiful!!! Bravo ...... 🥰 Mark
  3. Hi, I really enjoyed your musical language ... the harmonies and thematic material are very different and intriguing. The mid-section -with it change of tempo- I especially enjoyed - yet, I found it a bit short in its development and I really wanted more ... I hope you revisit it and do more with it. Mark
  4. A lovely romantic lyrical work. Maybe the repetitive left hand in the beginning theme can be a bit more varied. Mark
  5. There is much potential with your harmonies and thematic material to further develop this short work. You should run with it and see where it takes you. Mark
  6. I enjoyed your thematic development and variations. The work is very cohesive as well as being quite lovely with a precise well balanced orchestration. 🥰 Mark
  7. Hi - I really enjoyed this work. It reminded me of Copland's Quiet City. It quiet serene Jazzy quality in the dialogue with the bassoon was very inviting and soothing. The contrasting section at measure 63 ... I felt was less intriguing ... and more routine ... I think more could have been done with it to hold its weight against the lovely opening.
  8. What a beautiful work. The harmonies are exquisite in their execution and well as the interwoven heavenly melodic lines. Not many posts can stand out with such originality. You do have your own voice and it is quite engaging and enveloping. Bravo. Mark
  9. The opening theme has a renaissance feel. I found it quite interesting and enjoyable with a dance-like quality. Have you thought about using a Recorder or Shawn instead of a flute; this would give it a more authentic texture. As for the rest of the work - I felt your later attempt at various variations to be less effective then the opening which from my perspective is more direct with less noise. Mark
  10. What a Jolly Good Ride! This is a very inviting work ... it has wit and charm. The rhythms and exchanges are playful and move you along. I enjoyed the contrasting mid-section too ... which prevented the work from becoming too predicable. Mark
  11. Thanks ... I corrected the notation ... originally those were sextuplets and I wanted a different sound - so I just rested the notes to create triplets .... 😬 As always thanks for the review ... sorry you experienced my composition very differently then I intended. I said, that if someone posted on this thread again - I would post an update. This update has very minor tweaks - with a very slightly reworked ending. All comments always appreciated. Mark PS: As you see this is the 8th revision and the last!
  12. It's very inviting .... lots of energy which pulls you forward. My say ... go for it! Mark
  13. I don't know the skill level you expect from your musicians and/or if this is an academic exercise ... most musicians, in the most extreme range of the Oboe, would go a bit mad playing this. As for the clarinet part I cannot comment .... although I would imagine a similar perspective. Mark
  14. Check your woodwind registers .... i.e., Oboe, Clarinet .... Mark
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