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Aditya Hirey

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Aditya Hirey last won the day on December 17 2020

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About Aditya Hirey

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  1. Thank you Daniel and Tónskáld for your detailed analysis, will pass your feedback to my son to incorporate them in his next composition. He normally does solo composition and often creates melodies and practices on Piano without writing in sheet music. He has started taking interest in compositions involving multiple instruments. Your feedback will help as he is not doing any music classes and my advice is limited to basics like mood or tempo of the music. School summer holidays are coming up and he will get time to put his compositions into sheet music.
  2. Thanks Peter for your detailed review which will be helpful for improvement, will pass on your comments.
  3. I have attached first chamber music (Piano Quintet) composition by my son Aditya, any advice or feedback on areas of improvement will be appreciated. Thank you Piano Quintet in G minor.mp3
  4. This is the music composition done by my son, any review/advice will be helpful
  5. Hi Luis, Mostly he writes the score on sheet music book, for this one I think he just composed whole tune with memory. Some of the other tunes he develops the idea on piano and writes half the score and does rest from memory. The current one he is creating again from memory i.e he created first verse yesterday and second one today and continue this next couple of days to complete. I have to tell something which I found interesting and observed couple of days ago, there is another tune he composed from memory and i recorded on Piano and asked him to change second half to reduce the time. He did that on newly installed Selebius software but it is completely different and not as good as when he creates music on the piano (the music sounded like when he created purely in ableton). I have asked him to create music on piano and write the score on software and he is doing that for the other tune he has done.
  6. My son's new composition for review. The reviews have been great advice for my son
  7. Hi Rabbival, Thanks for your analysis, my son writes his music in the music sheets once he gets idea for the melody and sometimes he writes half of it and plays the other half causing repetition, I have just installed one of the software for score writing and would record score music. I will pass on your comments and advise him on putting more time for any music he is creating currently he spends 2 or 3 hours for over a week or two to produce one. He recently started learning Indian classical music and would hope it gets reflected or influence in his future endeavours.
  8. Thanks Olov for your detailed analysis, will pass on your comments to Aditya.
  9. Music composition by my Son Aditya. Any advice would be helpful.
  10. Hi Luis, Have uploaded another composition from Aditya, may have incorporated this comment, am sure will have many more.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyIq_apZTZc&feature=youtu.be Aditya's new tune composition for review, not sure how to convert it to notes in pdf files
  12. Thanks, this is one of his initial composition, will pass on your comments
  13. Composition of tune by Aditya
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