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About Maqalx

  • Birthday 01/01/2003

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  • Biography
    I’m a 17 year old composer from Paris!
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  • Favorite Composers
    Frédéric Chopin, Franz Liszt, Beethoven, Mozart, Debussy, John Williams, Hans Zimmer, Thomas Newman, Mahler, Tchaikovsky
  • My Compositional Styles
    It depends but it is mostly soundtracks. I do not have a specific style yet.
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    FL Studio
  • Instruments Played
    Piano (10 years now), Guitar, Drums

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  1. Very nice composition, very suspenseful. Loved the moment where the Transformer's footsteps were in rythm with the percussion. However just one thing not sure if you had control over that but the soundtrack went over the sounds effects and dialogue of the scene.
  2. Hi there thank you very much for taking the time to write this insightful comment. You had a great idea! Thing is I tried to find ocean samples but they weren’t really good enough and therefore would in that case be a bit corny. But it can work well: as an example, Thomas Newman’s Finding Nemo soundtrack does have ocean and whale sounds.
  3. It maybe doesn’t answer your question but some Spitfire LABS libraries have foreign instruments. You won’t find a lot but they are completely free so worth the try!
  4. Thank you so much for the insightful comment! Just one thing, I did not use samples to compose the piece they are free synth VSTs from Spitfire LABS and they do sound great. I did not know the piece by Micheal Nyman gonna give it a listen and maybe discover new music!
  5. Hi James, I really liked this piece. It does have a very Japanese sound and I liked the melody you created with the piano. Regards, Alexis
  6. This is amazing! I really like the piano moments with the arpeggios and yeah it does sound like video game music yeah I think it’s because of the lack of reverb and that it kind of stops sometimes someone might explain it way better than I do!
  7. Hello all, I am new to this community that I just found! Here is a soundtrack I made to represent the coral reef and in general, the ocean, with the waves 🌊 played by the strings. It may be quite repetitive in the beginning and middle parts but towards the end I decided to experiment with newer and more interesting chords. All the VSTs I use are free (BBC Symphony Orchestra and Spitfire LABS). Any feedback or criticism would be much appreciated!
  8. I really love the entrance of the trumpet. Overall it is very soothing and calm love it!
  9. For me it’s: Canon in D by Pachelbel Flight if the Bumblebee Wedding March by Mendelssohn Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner
  10. Completely agree with you. Furthermore, you can say one composer is overrated but saying he is untalented is sacrilegious. I’ll give 5 underrated composers: - Mahler -Schubert -Mendelssohn -Rachmaninoff -Ravel It’s hard for me to say if a composer is overrated, though.
  11. Interesting topic! For me it would probably be Saint-Saëns’ Danse Macabre. I find it haunting, especially with the dissonant violins.
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