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About conkerzzz

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  1. That's nice feedback, I'll add it to the list when I get back to it. I'm glad it made you think of FF, though I haven't played that series. I made it in Reason with a lot of trial end error in composition since I was (am) a noob. For the next projects I'll just decide on a key and stick to the diatonic chords mostly, I'm hoping it will make it easier to compose thinking about it that way. For the next project I'm considering moving to Cubase or Sibelius First because I want to try composing in a grand staff which seems to provide a better overview of the project compared to the piano roll.
  2. Well done, perhaps up the music volume a bit!
  3. I like it! Sounds appropriately evil. 🙂 Cool with e-guitars! What key is it in?
  4. Hi, I've made a game music track, but do you think it's worth putting in my reel or should I redo it with more care paid to theory? Are there any pain points that stick out to you? Are there too many false notes? I'm fairly new.
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