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  1. I stand corrected. I've never heard of something like that. Now I learned something new, and the way you presented these tone families are well done!
  2. Thanks for listening and checking it out! I appreciate your comment and time. I attached a scoring somewhere around here: the part I think you mention is on the sections starting on measures 12 and 79. I understand what you mean, of course the midi doesn't do this properly, but I was going for an effect like 'bell tones' -it's changed to where the basses are syncopated and other parts (playing on beats 1 & 3) are not. I'm glad you liked this piece and thanks again for listening!
  3. The harmonic motion here is very interesting; the whole lyrical aspect sounds very nice. What's cool is the fact that despite you ending on a minor chord, the whole piece isn't centered on one specific tone. Even if you were writing in the key of a minor, there's some chords in there that do not belong in the key (and that makes the piece even more dramatic when borrowing from other keys). Also, a key note to get out of this, every time some chord change occurred, I imagined different shade of the color yellow appearing and then changing into a different shade in mind (relating back to the title). The darker the chord is, the darker the shade of yellow the color will be; and vis versa, the brighter sounding the chord is, the lighter the shading would be.
  4. First of all, a BIG thank you to Luis Hernandez and TrebleWoofer for commenting on the piano solo version of this piece. It all means and helps a lot. I went ahead and arranged the whole thing for a wind band. Most of the original ideas are there, but there's some more added content such as mirror chords, broken woodwind runs, groovy percussive features, and many more. I apologize that the software recording isn't at the best quality right now. A scoring cannot be added as of right now (to eliminate the fact of seeing 40+ instruments on each page, can truly be a pain for the eyes), nevertheless, the scoring is still in a works in progress. I was told by some other critics that this piece could be centered around a Halloween theme; and I know it's a bit too early for this but, Happy Halloween to you all!
  5. Dealing with some hardcore depression right now, I went ahead and made this piece to "blow off some steam". Though it might be impossible due to the intervals in there, pfft... who cares... If only I could enter through this mirror and escape the realities this world brings to me, I would live a life in some alternative universe and not have to worry about anything. But, in by doing so, I let Death inside this mirror world, and now he's after me...Eventually, I escape him, but now I'm trapped; in amidst of this darkness, there's probably a bright light somewhere. I just haven't found it yet... I can do nothing but reflect upon the very decisions I have chosen to make. A special shout-out to the modes I composed from: Lydian Augmented & Super Locrian. Lydian being a bright mode while Locrian being the dark one.
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