Interesting ideas in there! Your meters are a bit unconventional. For example, 16/16 = 4/4 and you group it in conventional groups of 4 beats, so I'd notate it in 4/4. A good rule-of-thumb is "if it can be written conventionally, write it conventionally." It makes reading and performing easier. Another general overall comment is double-check your spellings. For example, m.19 sop. voice you have an F#, then the next beat alto voice has a Gb. You can say "oh that's because mode xyz and blah blah" however a pianist playing this will want to strangle you. So yeah, just keep those spellings consistent. The comment above goes on about the large chords in m.17, and generally I agree. Yet, you will find this notation in Alkan, Tausig, but Liszt generally rolls chords which span a 10th or more so it's important to keep hand span in mind. Cool piece