I’ve known for awhile that I’ve been creating songs in my dreams. I’ve always been to busy to analyze it and not ambitious enough to write it down when I wake up. Recently I watched the MTV music awards. I was watching Miley Cyrus sing midnight sky and I realized that I recognized the song. Word for word it was the song I sang in my dream a month or so before. Everything in that song has a specific meaning. I’m shocked it’s almost the exact song. Another song that I sang in my dream was hands to myself by Selena Gomez. I’m not sure what’s going on with this, if I keep invading famous peoples dreams with my music. I mean it’s pretty cool but now I’m just thinking I should look more into it. There’s not too many other people with similar experiences. I’m not sure if I’m in other peoples dreams or they’re in mine. Maybe it’s because we’re musically inclined so our vibrational frequencies get connected in our dream state? I’m sure I’m not crazy or making this up. It’s too eerie. Anyways I just thought I’d leave my little experience here.