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Bertal piano

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Bertal piano last won the day on September 18 2021

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  1. @ComposedBySam Thank you for taking the time to listen!
  2. I have been working on the piece for the last few days. I am unable to perform in correctly (I'm not a very good pianist) . All the themes came from one improvisation session. Any feedback would be highly regarded. Thanks for listening.
  3. @Papageno That is indeed me, I’m amazed you remembered it since is was such a short starting sketch. It is now the only work im seriously working on. And by coincedence I thought off a short themelike structure for it while attempting the same challenge as you did here.
  4. I enjoyed this piece, and I think you did a good job on giving this piece a “sad” sound. Or at least give reason to convey these emotions. I was pleasantly suprised with the deceptive cadende passing through V7/VI before arriving on VI . This is something I’m a huge fan of. I also like the idea of composing a sad piece in a major key and will be attempting it myself this evening. And I will try to use as many deceptive cadences as possible with it. Might even upload it here if I’m happy with it. regardless, great piece!
  5. Goodness, what a lovely piece. Imitate Chopins style, it sure did. I won’t judge by how close it gets to his style, rather I will judge solely by the way I feel listening it. And it sounded lovely, and to think that this was computer generated. Makes me wonder how beautiful it would be when performed. Congrats, I will be following you on this forum and will be looking forward to your next posts!
  6. This is just wonderfull. I have really enjoyed these pieces, first one was very pleasant to listen to, and the third one was very engaging. And all 3 of them were just very beautiful. I am thoroughly impressed. Bravo.
  7. Very interesting piece sir, kept my on the edge of my seat the whole time. Very unique, bravo!
  8. @PeterthePapercomPoser Peter, thank you so much for your kind words. First of all, I’m extremely sorry for not replying earlier. I however took your advice serious to the highest degree and have almost finished the piece. I will be uploading it soon, I hope that ( even though I replied so late ) you would be kind enough to give it a listen when I post it. Thanks again
  9. Hello guys, I think I’ve finally written a complete theme. However I’ve been struggeling the last few days. This is because I am totally lost where I want to go from here. Any ideas would be highly appreciated.
  10. This is an unfinished work, I post this because I have no inspiration for what is to come after the climax part around second 40. Any suggestions / feedback would be highly regarded and appreciated.
  11. @Markus Boyd Good evening! Thank you for your reply sir. to answer your question about what I wanted to achieve here, i dont know. It was a mashup of some previous improvisation themes. I am though currently working on my first real piece, I hope to finish it this week. And even better, i know in what key it is this time ;). I hope you will be kind enough to listen.
  12. This evening I was improvising on the piano when I realised it might go better with some orchestral instruments. I can't read sheet music so I just used the piano roll. Also, sorry for the fact that is no introduction at all, I just didn't have any inspiration left at that point lol.
  13. Hello people, I will introduce myself. I am a piano player from the Netherlands, currently 18 years old. I have always improvised music, and never written any music. I also have almost no knowledge of music theory, so go easy on me 😉 . What I am uploading today is some themes I improvised today, but I have modified them slightly and improvised some middle parts because the themes are not in the same keys. I will take any feedback in high regard. P.S I have not included any sheet music because I can’t read nor write sheet music.
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