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  1. After some research / findings here and there, I believe C6-D6 should be the comfortable / practical high(est) range in general. Thank you for this. I'll ignore what that musician told me. I won't have chance to see him again anyway (to discuss/confirm).
  2. I'm not a Rock person, but this is really cool and like it !
  3. I see. So if it means 3rd player, it'd be much better. Then melody (for the lead) have more freedom / varieties of options. I'll you know if I have any new discovery about this info.
  4. Thank you so much for this. Yes, I meant Bb Trumpet. I was thinking in concert pitch and did mean C5 (the C one octave above middle C). Thank you for your response. Hm...I'll take this into account. It's weird that I got that information from a trumpet player, who claims he's professional.... hmm... When I was writing, just felt this range (Eb4 - C5 or D5) is just too narrow, hard to write.. So I was looking for guidance. Thanks !
  5. I don't play trumpet or any brass and wonder if anyone here can give me some insight. Because I'm writing a chart that is target for high school big band players. Is it true that generally C5-D5 is the practical highest notes for high school or general trumpet players? I heard for professional players, D5-F5 is fine / practical. But generally (or for high school band) up to C5-D5 is more practical ?! Also, if write for professionals, will A5 be practical? Thank you so much!
  6. I searched everywhere but can't find the option to delete a post here. Or we simply can't delete our post? If anyone knows, it'd be great. Sorry this is irrelevant to this category.
  7. I see. Thank you for this! I appreciate it. 🙂
  8. Thank you so much for this ! This helps a lot. I'll all these into consideration. Really appreciate it. ^^
  9. I attach a part of my oboe piece in progress. I have questions about the notation. If it makes sense, then I'll continue to notate in the same manner. 1. I use slur to indicate the phrasing (the bigger gesture / phrasing); not sure if it's more appropriate to use ' (like a comma notation the top) at the end of the phrase for woodwind? 2. in the 2nd line, I use 2 slurs to indicate legato and bigger phrasing . Does it make any sense? 3. I use staccato for articulation; but on top of that, I want to indicate (bigger) phrasing too, so put slur too. Would that confuse the performers? 4. Do oboist use ""scoop" (the 1st note in the 1st bar) ? playable for oboe? Thank you tons !!
  10. Thank you for this. I don't play any woodwind, brass etc and know so little about them. It does help a lot. I'm writing a solo oboe piece right now; was just about the post and ask if oboist play "scoop" like clarinetist / brass players do (in more modern pieces)? I googled but can't find anything. I'll go find that book too. Thank you so much!
  11. I see. Everyone, thank you so much for this. I have so little understanding of woodwinds. It does help!
  12. I had feedback from a composer that this is not a piece suitable for oboe and clarinet. Because their strength is to create very melodic lines. This piece builds the disoriented, chaotic feeling gradually, not aim for beautiful lines; at very high register for oboe, it doesn't aim for beautiful sounds either. Would appreciate if any oboist and clarinetist would read this and tell me what they think. Thank you !!
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