High school and two-year college composers are invited to submit scores for performance at a composition festival, New Music on the Bluff 21, at Loyola Marymount University (the festival will be online in 2021). The eight selected finalists will receive performances of their pieces on April 17th, 2021, will meet on Zoom with a faculty composer for an individual private lesson, and will participate in master classes with festival faculty. Works can be scored for violin and piano, a selection of solo instruments, or can be fixed media electroacoustic or electronic pieces in any style. Application is free and all eligible applicants will be invited to the master classes. The application deadline is January 31st, 2021. View the call for scores here: https://cfa.lmu.edu/programs/music/beyondtheclassroom/concertseries/newmusicontheblufffestival/