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Andy Pattinson

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  1. If you have ever wondered about this tune I have discovered an easy way of memorising the chords using a symmetrical method. The tune uses three keys a major third apart. B G and Eb major I call the first 5 chords "symmetry x" they are B [D7] G and [Bb7] Eb you then move this all down a major third using two connecting chords. There then follows several 251's which I have called "symmetry y" and two connecting chords take you back to the beginning of this 16 bar tune.
  2. I live in the UK but heard about registering with JW Pepper for about $99. People can then buy your music from an official site. Are there other sites too? Any info on this , it seems like a good idea at least to look good on a resume!
  3. I mean put the trumpets in the key of C rather than D. Thanks for listening!
  4. I may drop this down a tone to the key of C and also rewrite the into into 4/4 time. As you say, I must stop relying on unisons, octaves and homophony so much. Thanks for the review!
  5. Finale 2014.5 with Noteperformer
  6. Hello, I have composed this piece for string orchestra in the Horror Genre. I previously did an Old Style symphony so it is a change of pace from that! I am welcoming feedback especially in terms of articulations as I dont play strings I marked them Marcato throughout and did not feel the need for many dynamics. Also feedback in general is appreciated.
  7. Thanks bkho , looks like thats what I need to do. Its weird that they have not sorted out this problem as it messes up the notation and creates extra work.
  8. I am doing a Horror type piece at the moment and have very aggressive string VST's (marcato) However there is now a scene change where the piece becomes peaceful. I notated con sordino over the semibreves but the VST's just played a short note. Is there a way of switching VST sounds from Marcato to Lush strings at that point via the score using Finale or is this a thing I will have to do in a DAW?
  9. Hello. Completed the 3rd movement! I used windows video editor and exported at 1080px so you can see the music better. I also used Finale with Garratin VST's and then imported into Ableton Live10 standard which allowed me to improve the sound. I have ordered Spitfire Discovery BBC Orchestra and may do a remix with it , perhaps a video with all 3 movements together.
  10. Thanks @composerfeb. Movement 3 is soon to follow.
  11. Feedback appreciated also technical feedback would be good. I used Finale and Garratin Personal orchestra and then an old copy of windows live movie maker to do the youtube score. I was wondering if I should save in 1080 and with a WAV also is it a good idea to use Ableton for reverb and filters as I have live 10 standard.
  12. I tried but it did not work in the preview.
  13. Thanks for the feedback, well spotted Markus, I used Mozart's first as a model. I was trying a lot of things with this piece really. I wanted to try the early classical style and write a fairly long piece with three movements. Also it is a learning curve for me to write for a small orchestra and use the Finale software. Thanks @papercomposer for the feedback too. I will look into countermelodies.
  14. Hello I have written the first movement of a symphony in the old style. I am looking for feedback. Many thanks.
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