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About katchum

  • Birthday 11/25/1984

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    VGM "wannabe" composer
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    Chemical Engineer
  • Interests
    Piano, composing

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  1. This Concerto Grosso sounds almost like video game music, which is a good thing because I like vgm very much. Like music during a ballroom scene. It doesn't sound much like Bach of course, but you didn't intend to imitate Bach. I do miss a good melody to hum with though. Nice sound too.
  2. Nice! (midi has some wrong notes, too high and all, I know) I just realize that a little harpsichord can't cope against a huge orchestra. And my orchestration is real ugly.
  3. Here we go: The Cubase file: http://two.xthost.info/katchum/Piano%20concerto%20on%20a%20theme%20of%20Bach%202.cpr The midi: http://two.xthost.info/katchum/Piano%20concerto%20on%20a%20theme%20of%20Bach.mid
  4. I've been composing for 3 years and I made this piece in one day. I'll send you a midi or a Cubase SX file when I have time. Nice to hear VSL, can't afford it yet. I'm 24 and have played piano for 18 years. In total I made like 50 compositions ranging from classical, medieval, electronic, movie, jazz, atonal, vgm, asian J-pop, trance to vocal music. I haven't tried rock yet, and I won't. My best work would be "piano concerto", hehe.
  5. I'm on Windows and use Noteworthy Composer to export a midi, almost the same method as your MuseScore. I'm willing to improve on the string section, because I want to try out EWQL Gold edition to test out its sound quality.
  6. Just using EWQL with that piano keyboard roll. It doesn't matter, you can just drag all the notes up/down an octave.
  7. I see, but when you convert the midi into a mix-sequencer, the frequency will not be lowered.
  8. The bass will naturally sound down an octave? So this means that everything you write on the score sounds an octave lower in reality? Then why not just write it an octave lower? Is it because Cbass players can't read it?
  9. I know contrapunctus needs much more attention, the way I wrote it is just make a piano part and then add on the orchestra in a sloppy way. Bach is of course a super genius in composing, where I just have no knowledge in inventing creative second voices in the strings. About the Cbass being playable, I know there are some notes that are too high, the library EWQL couldn't play some of the notes, so I lowered them while mixing, forgot to do that in the score. Also two notes in the harpsichord were too high too, I've lowered them in the mix but not in the score. Sometimes it does sound extremely unisono in piano and strings, how should I deal with that? I've no ideas.
  10. I can't believe I'm constantly listening to Bach's brandenburgse concerti and piano concerti, oboe concerti and violin concerti. I'm like addicted to Bach. So I'm thanking Bach now for having made me listen to everything he wrote. This ode is mostly based on the fifth Brandenburg concerto. The difficult part was writing the orchestra, I couldn't find any interesting background for the orchestra so I just made the contrabass play what the piano played in the left hand. Ode to Bach for Harpsichord and Strings Piano concerto on a theme of .pdf
  11. Hey, this box.net is not free!
  12. You compose well without musical background. :D But I assume you're a pianist so you listen to many musics, which should also help you understand the basics of chord progression. It's a nice piece but I have problems with some places about the harmony: 0:50 and 1:00. It is not common to go from V to VI while you're trying to modulate to the major chord. If you were in let's say a minor (V) you should have gone to C major (I) at that point instead of going back to a minor (I). Otherwise I feel you have a nice sense of breathing. You have potential.
  13. Here's a dolphin race for orchestra. I used: glockenspiel, piano, strings, trumpet, horn, snare drum, flutes. It sounds like video game music for children. The harmony is kind of innovative as it uses a long descending run in the melody while the harmony changes drastically. I used sequences. I first named it Airship but thought a race sounded better. Hamauzu is really recognizable here. mp3 here: Dolphin Race Airship.mid
  14. If you listen carefully to the second movement of the piano sonata (I think the second) of Kabalevsky you'll hear exact the same mood. Everyone knows Kabalevsky took ideas from Prokofiev's sonata's. I know for sure the second sonata, second movement of Kabalevsky was based upon Prokofiev's 8th sonata first movement last part. Anyway, I love both composers! And I was in the mood to write this song in their style. 1:37 is in the style of Prokofiev's piano concertos and is my favourite part of piece. 1:47 uses Kabalevsky's harmony. Dissonant notes come from Kabalevsky too. 0:53 uses the succession of Prokofiev kind of chords. I searched it up and hey what do you know! Sonata 8 was written in 1944 and one year later Kabalevsky came up with sonata 2 in the same style as sonata 8 of Prokofiev. It could be coincidence of course, but I don't believe it is coincidence. As a whole I think my song sounds like Halloween music. Apparently I thought the song was better orchestrated, so I added: - violin - harp - timpani - celli - contrabas - pan flute Here's the mp3: Twilight PS: I almost forgot, I got ideas from Yoko Kanno too, (cfr. Ragnarok online 2: "Red Wolf"). My ending is based on that piece.
  15. I recently played Goldberg Variations and discovered that slow music can be extremely beautiful. I always thought that toccatas and scherzos were the nicest pieces, but after listening and playing the Aria of Bach's GBV I wanted to make a slow piece too in a very expressive style. I didn't make an mp3 yet, but here is the midi file already. It's supposed to be played very slowly and with expression. Like this: :sadtears: Harmony I got from Kabalevsky and Prokofiev. Twilight.mid
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