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Écho last won the day on November 11 2021

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  1. It's very, very, very in the style of Bethoven symphonys.🙂 Modern Bethoven. Its crazy to think - today we use a computer to write music and people of those time used their heades. I like the melody it is powerfull. Amasing tremolos😉. I just have a feeling that sometimes it needs some more dynamics
  2. I wonder why nobody still answered you. You made a very big job. One month ago when I saw it first, I thaught that Actaeon is only a first composition (Morning Breaks), today I listened all the others compositions from this album. I found some diamonds: first of all - The goddes Artemis. This composition have something mysterious, exspecially a theme at 0:42, it make me to think about Blade Runner and Vangelis and I have a big desire to come back and to relisten it.. Great job. I loved also - Actaeon wanders the forest. What make you to write this music? You had some inspiration? Movie?
  3. Agree with the previous commentes. It has some personal signature. Nice job. Sometimes i have a great desire to see little more instruments, and some kind of BOOM ... 🙂👍
  4. 1. Introduction.mp3 1. Introduction.mp3
  5. I don't understand how is it in professional way, but like a person who just listen with his ears - I think it's great and it make's to dream. The first theme can be a love theme, you finish your melody with the same theme and just before the end a melody of victory maybe. All together it's make me to think about one beatifull italian movie "Pirates Blood Brothers" - your music is very representive for this story. The only thing that from myself i would like to see different - it's maybe one small part between the principal themes (excuse my english: when you go from one theme to another on 3:00).
  6. 1:07 - 1:47 for me is very beautiful♥️ I don't stop to listen for this little but wonderful fragment...
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