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Guardian25 last won the day on November 8 2023

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About Guardian25

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  • Biography
    Composer and Guitarist
  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Composing, reading books, and writing
  • Favorite Composers
    J.S. Bach, G.P. Telemann, G.F. Handel, Arcangelo Corelli
  • My Compositional Styles
    Baroque and Renaissance
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Musicscore and Logic Pro
  • Instruments Played
    Guitar, Bass, and Keyboard

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  1. Yeah! They are basically Bass parts that are given without the figures written underneath. From my understanding they were not that comply used, but I would assume that are a good for practice harmonizing over a given bass part. I updated those two mistakes you pointed. I changed that diminished chord in b. 5 to.a g minor to get a iv-V-i at that spot!
  2. I have a book by Ebenezer Prout, in which he gives a number of unfigured basses to practice harmonizing over. I made an attempt at harmonizing the given bass line. The given bass is highlighted in red. The top three voices were added by me. Any feedback is appreciated!
  3. Thanks for listening! I guess when I say "modern" I meant harmonies that were not based around the Major/Minor Tonal system. In some of the other pieces, I composed using Whole Tone Scales ideas for a more "modern" feel!
  4. I have recently started writing some solo Flute pieces, that make use of more "modern" harmonic ideas. He is the second one of the set that I names Soliloquy No. 2. Any feedback is welcomed!
  5. Thanks for the feedback! I have really been getting into more quartal harmonies lately! I did not consider the idea of using more slurs throughout the piece, so that will be something I will look into. Also, thanks for the feedback on the octave sustain. I thought that would be something that would be "easier" to do, so I will look into to editing this as well!
  6. Here’s a duet I composed for Cello and Piano! I tried to make use of more “modern” harmonic ideas with this piece. Overall, I find it decent, and probably would change a couple of things. Any feedback is welcomed!
  7. I think the idea is interesting overall! The instrumentation is cool and I like some of the rhythmic ideas! My main concern would be the musical "goal" of the idea. For me it seems to loop without any development. As a type of background music to say a video game, I think this type of piece would be a perfect for it! But if it were meant for a more "performance" type of music, then, I would look into how to develop ideas further! As it is, it does not sound bad! I would like to ask, who are your influences and what type of music are you looking to write! Keep going! Also, my ear did not bleed lol
  8. How well is your knowledge in things such as harmony, counterpoint, and form? I would say having a great and in depth knowledge in this topics can help! Also, what trios inspire you, and do/have you analyzed any of the pieces! By doing so you can figure how trios are written, and if you choose to, model your work on those pieces!
  9. Here is a Fugue in C Major that I composed for Pipe Organ. Overall, I think it sounds good, but I am open to any feedback! I am eventually write a prelude for this idea as well! Also, for anyone more familiar with the instrument, do staccato markings make sense for the pedal part of the idea? Thanks!
  10. I really like the piece! Any plans to use this for a suite? It reminds me of Corelli's church sonatas, especially when using the organ as a continuo instrumnent! Initially the trills on the end of the bars, kind of sounded a bit "off", but after several listens they started to sound "right" to my ears!
  11. Thanks for the feedback! I will try out the Musesounds violin! I agree there are some notes that I need to change, and there are some other flaws that needs to be changed to the idea as well! I guess I was mainly looking for a general feedback on how the idea sounds, and if it sounded decent to anyone?
  12. Hey! I have worked a bit more on this, since ive posted this, but I need to finish it! I will take this as a sign to do so And I will have to eventually explore the string orchestra. That would be two violins, viola, cello, and double bass right?
  13. Here is piece I wrote for violin and Basso Continuo. There might be some mistakes and I still need to add the figured bass. Any feedback is welcomed! Also, musescore for some reason does not do the trills right, so to me they sound bad!
  14. In theory there would be solos, if it were to be played live, but I’m not sure if I want to write out solos for the digital recording! I might have to put together a small jazz band lol!
  15. Here is a Jazz Ballad piece I composed called Blue Poppy. Any feedback is welcomed!
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