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ComposedBySam last won the day on August 6 2023

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About ComposedBySam

  • Birthday 08/29/2003

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I like to compose music ;)
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Poetry and Mathematics
  • Favorite Composers
    Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Moritz Moscowszki, Mozart, Brahms, Faure, Bach, and all romantic greats.
  • My Compositional Styles
    Classico-Romantic and sometimes modern.
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  • 1st Place - "Dreamscapes" Competition Rare
  • Peaceful Sleeper - "Dreamscapes" Competition Rare
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  1. Glad you liked it šŸ˜Šthanks for the advice for managing the sharps!
  2. Haha glad you liked it!
  3. Thank you for your remarks. I learnt a lot. I didnā€™t particularly think too deeply when I decided to describe it as jazzy, perhaps I was going with superficial vibes. But anyways thanks for pointing out that the cello staff goes over the accompaniment. I actually did try to experiment with the audio by adding some cracks here and thereā€¦ just thought it would be cool and chill. Anyways thanks for listening and commenting! I appreciate your valuable feedbackā€™s every time!
  4. Wow thatā€™s a huge compliment! Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and appreciate!
  5. Thank you so much! I am glad you found it cozy and nostalgicā€¦ basically I download public domain paintings, and overlay it with a transparent png image of my score. (which can be exported in musescore by ticking some settings options) I am glad that you found the visual aesthetics beautiful. Thanks again for listening and commenting!
  6. A jazzy pastoral short piece I composed last winter. Enjoy!
  7. Hi Peter! Thank you so much for taking the time to listen so attentively. Actually while composing it, I also found measure 57 a bit troublingā€¦ I thought of doing a smoother resolution but I was absolutely out of brain juice. Maybe I will revise this composition sometime and smooth out the parts which stick out. I have a love hate relationship with the ending. I just felt after a long, heavy, overly romantic coda, a little humour was needed to sort of knock some sense into the pig headed passions invoked by the section which came before. I think it kinda works? šŸ˜‚ Thanks for you suggestion regarding the balance issueā€¦ I have nightmares thinking about trying to bring out the melody using muse sounds. I tried almost everything. I will surely try using MS basic once. Again, thank you so much for your constructive thoughts!
  8. Hi guys! Long time no see. A solo work for piano, named 'Echoes in Absurdity' tries to express just that. The primary theme in minor speaks of the aftertaste of war and of the echoes of pain and suffering which yet linger. The contrasting major theme expresses acceptance, tenderness, consolation, and compassion and hopes for a bright future uninterrupted by calamities caused by ignorance and greed. The off-tonic feint at the end of the composition (in Db major) before the coda symbolizes the utopian dream built by the Dionysian ideal of universal love and empathy. The restatement of the primary theme in the coda is cut short by a D# instead of the expected F#, highlighting the uncertainty and absurdity of the situation. I hope that I had in some capacity succeeded in expressing the above intentions in my music.
  9. Those are some really helpful and thoughtful ideas and advices! Thanks for taking the time going into depth and analysing the piece. I will surely consider your criticisms as I think they are quite valid responses. Thanks again for taking the time to listen and reply šŸ™‚
  10. Probably my best/most expressive work so far. I would love to get a feedback on this!
  11. Thanks you Peter! Glad you found it cute ^^
  12. This is actually the first time I composed a piece completely on paper. Just played around with a cute theme I improvised some days ago.
  13. Thank you so much Henry! I'll keep what you said in mind
  14. Thank you for the kind feedback! I actually did nothing special in producing the recording. I just used the default musescore 4 soundfonts (which are awesome btw) to create the recording. Maybe I played with the volumes a bit because I felt the cello and piano were not balanced in the stock soundfonts. Thanks again for listening and appreciating!
  15. Thank you so much for the kind words! I knew that the sudden recurrence of the first theme after the stormy middle part and in the very end of the piece (in minor key) might sound a bit strange to most listeners. Those abrupt recurrence of the theme is actually done to signify the sudden escape from the often stormy real world to a soothing, more mellow dream world. But as seen in the end in the piece, the dream world can soothe no more and the escapist is left with an uncertain ending. To either suffer in silence in his dream or to wake up. So the abrupt changes in themes signify the constant switching between reality and dream as the escapist switches from one to the other. But it's understandable why it would sound strange for most listeners. In fact it did sound strange to me too. I guess I could have done somethings differently to smooth out these issues. Anyways! Thanks again for leaving such a kind feedback! ^^
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