Hello there! It's also my first time commenting, so:
I enjoyed your piece a lot. I may be wrong, but I feel like you were inspired by the romantic style, since the emotion and the dynamic changes very quickly. I liked, as someone commented above, the "flow" you achieved here, and the broken octaves are a surprising accompaniment. I have, though, a few observations:
The "flow" of the music is often times interrupted by sequences of chords, wich happens twice with the same harmonies. I know you said you wanted to represent the storm, but then the storm shouldn't be interrupted! It would work better to have these harmonic passages as arpeggios, in my opinion. That way, the piece would mantain some of its momentum (not saying it can't stop, I just don't think sudden halts work in favour of your symbolism).
You made melodies that have phrases with five measures. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing necessarily wrong with that, I just think, considering the romantic inspiraton that I sensed in your piece, that it would benefit more from a more rigid structure ( periods with 8 measures and phrases with 4 measures). I rewrote, if you don't mind, the first melodic phrase, which I annexed as an mp3.Annex.mp3
You ended the piece with a F major chord which gives it an unresolved feeling. Usually pieces end in the tonaliy they began, or in the relative major/minor. Personally, I would have ended it with a major C chord, after a diminuendo and perhaps a ritardando on the tempo, to convey that the storm is passing, and a calmer and stable weather has arrived (or you could say that the struggle has ended and the musician has found peace).
It was nice to analyse a piece of music made by someone else; I hope it made me improve, and that I can help you improve as well.
Anyway, you are definitively in the right way. Cheers!