Hey everyone,
This is the first piece I've posted in a really long time, I wrote it in October, but I finally built up the chutzpah to post it.
It's a string orchestra piece inspired by Copland. It's in what I would consider an arch form, the outer sections are inspired by the opening of Billy the Kid by Copland (hence the name of my piece - The Kid). The middle section is not based off of anything specific, and probably has no connection to him whatsoever, but hey what are you going to do? If anything, maybe Music for Theater.
Anyway, the A sections are based off of the descending melody, minor thirds!, and the middle a chromatic figure. It is supposed to express lonlieness and frustration, but wait! Listen for the ascending major third in the violas throughout, perhaps a hope motif?
Sorry, about all this text. It's my only piece I've ever concretely connected emotions to in the writing process.
So, tell me what you think. I am looking for both specifics, but also general stylistic comments.
Thanks everyone
Finale 2009 - [The Kid].pdf