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About MonkeysAteMe

  • Birthday 10/15/1990

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  1. This is not really logical. Just because something has been around longer does not make it better. Monarchies have existed much longer and much more frequently than democracies, is that a better form of government? Besides there were eons in which music existed before the concept of tonality was created. Our scale/pitch system is kind of an abberation in the grand scheme of things, it's been around since the greeks I believe. There was a lot more music before the greeks than after. Art isn't necessarily pragmatic. If you want to write for an audience go ahead, but why wouldn't you want to write what you actually wanted to write?
  2. Hey everyone, This is the first piece I've posted in a really long time, I wrote it in October, but I finally built up the chutzpah to post it. It's a string orchestra piece inspired by Copland. It's in what I would consider an arch form, the outer sections are inspired by the opening of Billy the Kid by Copland (hence the name of my piece - The Kid). The middle section is not based off of anything specific, and probably has no connection to him whatsoever, but hey what are you going to do? If anything, maybe Music for Theater. Anyway, the A sections are based off of the descending melody, minor thirds!, and the middle a chromatic figure. It is supposed to express lonlieness and frustration, but wait! Listen for the ascending major third in the violas throughout, perhaps a hope motif? Sorry, about all this text. It's my only piece I've ever concretely connected emotions to in the writing process. So, tell me what you think. I am looking for both specifics, but also general stylistic comments. Thanks everyone mp3 Finale 2009 - [The Kid].pdf
  3. I really like it, you might want to consider adding a piano part, it could just be doubling the choir. It would ensure a percussive sound, would also make it much easier to sing.
  4. I liked your themes, especially the first one. The one starting at 23, is ok, but it could get boring if it is overused because it is just sequencing. Are you just presenting all the themes in the beginning and developing them later? If so I guess it works, but it seems rushed to me. You have three ideas in 30 measures; if you are just trying to present them all for later developmenth then ignore this. I would spend a lot more time on each idea, exploring each in depth. Think about structure too, how do the themes play into that, and be careful of sequences. They are good in small doses/ when they are well done, but they can get boring quickly. I like your basso ostinato type deal, and you have good ideas, but be careful of just pasting stuff together, try to make your piece organic.
  5. I'm not sure if this is right for you, but I've found that box.net is a good site. It might be on the small storage side for your company though.
  6. I must say, this is one of my favorite pieces I've heard on this forum. I think the tempos are spot on, and the harmony is interesting while not hard to listen to. There was a lot of variation while maintaining consistency, good for my short attention span. You've accomplished something that I find difficult. Entertaining, sophisticated, yet accessible. Bravo!
  7. I don't think the problem is citing wikipedia necessarily, but citing something that purports to define music.
  8. I've made some changes. Hopefully fixed the range issues. I added more in the second section, and took out some of the octaves, and hopefully I've spelled everything correctly. The first post contains the newest version, thanks for all your comments. Jamie, I think I have a fair amount of diversity in texture. Aside from the opening and the octaves, I think I vary instruments a fair amount.
  9. I wanted all the instruments to play in octaves. I think it is a very cool effect. Thanks for your comments on the technical parts, perhaps the octaves are not as effective as I thought.
  10. Thanks for taking a look at my piece. When you say the theme"may be not brought out as strongly as it might be in the orchestration.", what exactly do you mean? Does this mean adding more instruments to make the theme more prominent, making the theme louder than the other lines, or something else? I tried to have several lines all based off the theme, going at once, but staggered, i.e. m. 38. Is this covering up the theme too much?
  11. Spherenine, thank you for your comments. It's still a work in progress, so I have not cleaned up the score at all or filled out all the fields, but I will look at what you have said. I know how to spell percussion I think late night plus glitchy keyboard equals mispellings, man percisson. That's embarrassing. Thanks again. blm22, could you possibly elaborate on what you found boring?
  12. It has an empty feel to it which is really cool. I really like the B section its my favorite, its light and fun while still being very interesting harmonically. I like perfect intervals. Is this meant to actually have dancing, or is it just part of the title?
  13. I don't know why, but there are some parts that reminded me of the music from "2000 A Space Odyssey". I really like the energy contained in this piece, lots of vitality which is something I appreciate. Perhaps you could rethink some of those piano runs? A lot of them seemed like they were just scales, and surrounded by more interesting material they seemed out of place. What did you use to sample this? It sounds good.
  14. So I wrote this is chamber orchestra with percussion piece today. It is going to be the introduction to the larger work. I've never written for wind, brass, or percussion before, so I'd like to know if everything is playable. Also general comments are appreciated, thanks. ---------------------------------- New and improved! score Watch out. The mp3 is on a loop. mp3
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