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Patrick Hasselbank

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Patrick Hasselbank last won the day on August 19 2021

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  1. It makes discomfort for me to play piano and in the parallel to write something on the paper or on computer. But I've found good tools to use (not commercial just my own thoughts). I'm a user in musescore and uploading there some scores from time to time, but there are some intereseting technical decisions in theirs apps (for android/ios/PC- https://musescore.com/our-products down below links to for downloading) and while playing on piano I can use app for writing score in electronic form. You are welcome!
  2. "Old Team" is back again! https://musescore.com/sheetmusic?text=abba
  3. So you don't have tabs for it? https://musescore.com/community
  4. I think you can join our community https://musescore.com/community you will have possibility to upload your own scores there.
  5. I think you need to upload your score on musescore: https://musescore.com/user/login?destination=https%3A%2F%2Fmusescore.com%2Fupload. Reason is that there are more users and all of them musicians and composers (including people who uploads their own scores) and it gives you possibility to rate your music and to have professional feedback.
  6. Marcello! You need to upload your scores on musescore (https://musescore.com/user/login?destination=https%3A%2F%2Fmusescore.com%2Fupload)! World of musicians needs to hear you!
  7. Nice job HoYin! Beautiful work! I think you need to upload "Concerto" to https://musescore.com/sheetmusic/symphony-orchestra.
  8. Well done Sean! I think you need to upload it on musescore- https://musescore.com/sheetmusic/original or on other scores web-sites. Hiding your works from the world is something that the Composer should not do! Think about it!
  9. Good day Mr. Santos, I agree with Mr. Pianist_1981 and as addition- maybe you should try to play it harpsichord 🙂 It will sound more barocco but in the modern way like Jamiroquai- King for a day:
  10. It's playable but I think you need to transpose this melody. It is too low and this greatly affects the perception. I do that on my acoustic, because sometimes melody sounds better on higher notes. Think about that.
  11. Found video with this masterpiece by Frankfurt Radio Orchestra (Paavo Jarvi)- then found scores on it https://musescore.com/sheetmusic?text=Norwegian Dances then pluged in on my PC then opened LA Scoring string and now I'm in heaven!!!!!
  12. Why don't you upload your score on https://musescore.com/hub/piano?text=variations ? I don't know how Roman found it, but it is good example of scoring web-site!
  13. It is good! It reminds me Dvorak Slavonic Dances https://musescore.com/crono23/slavonic-dances-op-46-anton-n-dvo-k-slavonic-dances-op-46-no-5-sko-n-1878. Very expressivce work!
  14. Computer and audio interface. You can make video jb your phone and then mix it with audio track in some sequencer.
  15. Really good! You should upload pdf-scores! On Youtube or on Musescore (just like this: https://musescore.com/user/13667701/scores/5062773). You should try!
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