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yzhang000 last won the day on August 22 2021

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About yzhang000

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  • Biography
    Tonality is not a dead end. Just give me a lifetime to prove it.
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    Sydney, Australia
  • Favorite Composers
    S. Rachmaninoff, M. Ravel & F. Poulenc
  • My Compositional Styles
    Styles of the good old days
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    PreSonus Notion
  • Instruments Played
    Classical Piano

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  1. yzhang000

  2. ⠀⠀⠀
  3. Ahhhhh, the majestic notion of graphic score! The musical equivalent of defaecating on the canvas and dubbing it "the revolutionary futuristic new art form that only the bravest and brightest will admire"! Welcome to the last shelter for the untalented, and all hail Yoko Ono! No offense to OP.
  4. Don't you think some unwarranted assumptions are being made here? It's far from being "modern" in today's context and I believe the majority of the non-composer non-performer audience has grown to admire this kind of style over the last few decades. (edit: I should've said over the last century. The harmonic vocabulary employed in this work is actually more reminiscent of that of some early 20th century composers, e.g. impressionist works of Szymanowski) That being said, well done!
  5. Thanks for the clarification! Just a heads-up, nothing is obvious these days. With avant-garde and semi-avant-garde music floating around ubiquitously, composers tend to do all kinds of crazy stuff. Players only read the score in a literal manner.
  6. I can't believe what I just heard! They are all amazing and showing highly sophisticated compositional techniques at MAESTRO-LEVEL! Suggestions? Just do whatever you want. Most people here are not qualified to give you suggestions. Please share your final product with us when you finish the project! I'm looking forward to it. (theme 1 is extra amazing, btw.)
  7. a minor observation: "soundfont" is an obsolete terminology. most recently, people like to call it "software instrument", unless you are using the ACTUAL soundfont format. I'm just curious.
  8. The opening section contains tremolos on all instruments. This makes sense on strings, but what do you want the woodwinds to play? Measured semiquavers, or flutter tonguing? I highly suspect it's the former, as the latter would sound rather clumsy and unnatural in this context. It would be clearer if you specify.
  9. 1. At first sight I read: concerto for panini, celery and (cheese) strings. What a weird combo of ingredients LOL! I honestly reckon most people are more used to the anglicised plural form of the word "piano", which is just "pianos", although "concerto" could be "concerti". 2. The opening rhythmic pattern is so attractive! It's hard to explain why it's attractive, but basically I feel some sort of "force" pushing the flow forward. You did not make it complex for the sake of complexity. That is good. 3. Everyone, please listen to the YouTube version. The sound quality is much better.
  10. I particularly like the last two pieces, as they are harmonically more "dense" (meaning chords change more frequently). Whoever also composes should know that it is quite difficult to maintain both complexity and aesthetics. One can easily invent their own "complex" frameworks and have a lot of fun playing with it, but the outcome isn't always convincing. I'm glad you are not one of those people. Just one thing, these movements are a bit too short in length, which means the materials are not fully developed. The duration is not significant enough to showcase your craftsmanship. Would love to hear more compositions from you.
  11. The overall quality is absolutely excellent. Some bits are a little predictable harmonically, but that really isn't a technical problem. Congratulations! Would love to hear it performed live!
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