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About PatrickSeanOneil

  • Birthday 12/09/1972

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Musicin/Composer who knows no music theory, and is untrained/self-taught...I just love music.
  • Location
    Southern California, USA
  • Occupation
    Freelance Design, Real Estate, and anything else until I can make a career out of music.
  • Interests
    Music, Graphic Design, Movies, Games, etc.

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Explorer (4/15)

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  1. I am considering that as a possibility, but I am not sure if I can work with my EWQL orchestra samples directly in Finale? Or if I can load as many tracks into Finale a SONAR, etc.? I do not know much about Finale yet, obviously. :thumbsup: For me, it's a bit more advantageous to hear the samples in their final form when writing. Thank you for your positive comments about my music also! I appreciate that very much. I'll continue to share my work here as I create more of it. If you want to listen to any of my other projects from within the past year, and aren't afraid of heavy guitars, you can visit my soundclick page at: SoundClick artist: Patrick Sean O'Neil -PSO
  2. Thanks for the comment, talib. My next step is to learn how to import my MIDI tracks for the piece into Finale and create the sheet music. I'll probably sit down soon and try my luck with that. I'll first need to string together all of the MIDI sections for each instrument group, and that's something I am worried might not translate exactly right out of the gates. I'll likely be looking back here for some help. :o -PSO
  3. Here is a copy/paste my introduction from the 'new members' thread: Hello, I am Patrick Sean O'Neil from Southern California, USA. I am a lifetime lover of music, and noob composer. I started playing guitar when I was 14 and began playing seriously with multi-tracking my guitars, bass, and drum kit about 3 years ago. I recently (within the last week) completed my first attempt at a fully orchistrated piece (no electric guitars as would be the norm for me.) I have been using MIDI instruments for about 7 or 8 months now, and I usually just program them in note by note in the piano roll vew of Cakewalk SONAR. As for musical education, I have none. I took a few blues guitar lessons when I was 14 (I am 34 now) but I was never a good study and did not bother to learn my scales, etc. So I am completely ignorant of whatever musical theory I assume they would teach in school. I also can not read or write music. Luckily, I never had to because I can listen to music and play it back or figure it out note for note. I hope everyone listens to some of my work and will evaluate it accordingly. Remember that I am just beginning with this type of music and have a long way to go. Oh yeah, and my influences are just about anyone and everyone. Too many to list really... all of the usual classics, Mozart, Beethoven, etc. as well as lesser known Game Music composers (Uematsu, Mitsuda, etc.), and obscure metal guitarists like Andy LaRocque... Bands like Amorphis, King Diamond, Dead Can Dance, Arcturus, Metallica, Megadeth, heck, I like everything... Top 40, pop, techno, drum n' bass, even some Yanni. Music is all good to me. I guess while I am not classically trained I have been studying music in all forms probably far more than most people you would ever meet. I just go over and over it in my head. Below is a link to my first ever fully symphonic / orchestral piece. I programmed it note by note, strike by strike, instrument by instrument into the piano roll view of SONAR 5 (taking a break from my usual playing.) Please give it a listen when you have about 8 minutes of quiet time and post your feedback here, I appreciate it! Best regards to all, -PSO Link: 320kbps MP3, 18.5 MEG http://www.soundclick.com/util/downloadSong.cfm?ID=5242305&ref=2 EDIT: Thanks to the wisdom of Qcowboy, (posted below) here is a copy of the track in 160kbps for those of you who would prefer a faster download, Link: 160kbps MP3, 9.2 MEG http://www.soundclick.com/util/downloadSong.cfm?ID=5242333&ref=2
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