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About Momoflakes

  • Birthday 09/21/1988

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    Goodyear, AZ
  • Interests
    Filmmaking, Music

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  1. Wow. Honestly, I think a lot of people are bypassing this thread just because at first glance, it really seems like something that could be really odd, or even a downright awful mix of sounds. However, upon listening to the piece in full, I'm very surprised, in a good way! This is a really cool piece, what you have done with the instrumentation is really great. I couldn't tell whether the melody was more Japanese or Irish, so that blended feel really works here. The only thing is, as it is synthed together, I'm not sure this would translate to a live performance; seeing as there is a huge volume difference between kotos and pipes. Experimenting with different sounds is the best way to be original and unique. Keep it up, I would love to hear what you come up with next.
  2. Thank you for your comments! Actually I was going for something short; I now realize my description had far too much detail in it - I think "through" the eyes of a child was the definitely the wrong word choice, since my visual consists of several distinct shots of a kid watching a rocket before, during, and after its liftoff. I think I would like to put together a storyboard animation set to the piece, to show what I am thinking. I am imagining this for a scene I would like to open a short film with, so it's not going to be a concert piece, just an scene cue :) There are indeed several harp flourishes, I tried my best to mix it all in a way that works, but I did this straight out of Finale '06 - not a whole lot of real control there, mixing-wise.
  3. Hey again, I had another short visual, so I scored it up. I wanted to capture the sight of a space shuttle rocketing from the ground - from the eyes of a child - beginning with a feeling of "good-bye" for now, to the blissful sight of it raising into the sky, finally ending with the triumphant celebration of being part of such an experience. Suddenly it disappears behind an enormous cloud - far and away into the depths of heaven. Enjoy! EDIT - I added a newer version with improved chords in the horn section in the fortissimo section, and an expanded ending so it's not so abrupt. The Rocket (New Version) - Hosted on Box.net
  4. Hey everybody! So I've been imagining up a screenplay to write, and when I have really vivid scenes in my head, I go ahead and score them. This one's called Heaven's Thunder, about a detective in the middle of a very unusual case. In this scene, the main character is looking into the sunset, yearning for answers to the story's problems... his wife comes up from behind, wanting him to go. He feels something is coming, something that will finally answer everything. The scene transitions to another place. Enjoy! "The Sunset" - Alex Merrill - Original Score, Heaven's Thunder
  5. Wow, I really like it. I'm jealous of your sound library :P What are you using? It's quite medieval sounding, and I love the vocal effects. Great job!
  6. Hello everybody! I'm a 19 year-old independent filmmaker who's second love is composing orchestra music. I have a new demo reel, and all the music in it I composed. I didn't write the pieces especially for this, except for the first one. I wanted to show my versatility. I'd really like some feedback on both the music and the film aspects of the reel. If you want to read the description of the video (it includes orchestra piece names and equipment list), go to Demo Reel - Filmmaking & Composing - Alex Merrill on Vimeo *EDIT: Go to the link to watch the video, for some reason, it won't embed :( Thanks! -Alex
  7. Rhythmically, yep. Sounds pretty decent for a fugue. I agee with Verdi_Lver,could do with some more variation towards the end of the phrase. Some of the notation in the last section, it sounds... I dunno, to me they don't sound right. I would play around with those a little, but that's just me. Otherwise, pretty neat. I say go for it! :w00t: -Alex
  8. Ah, yeah. I'm a big fan of The Firebird and Pines of Rome.
  9. Hey everyone! I started a new orchestral piece featuring organ, inspired by this upcoming holiday season. Just want to see what you guys think of it so far. Definitely a work in progress, things are bound to change around, haha! ORGANpiece02: listen online -Alex
  10. So, I had this random idea for a lullaby-ish type piece, and came up with this. I'm not really sure where I should go next, I really want to make it a full piece. So, just wanna see what you guys think! Here it is... Untitled Lullaby (Incomplete): listen online
  11. Sorry, my vacation's a week longer than I thought, I won't be able to participate. Can you take my name off the competitor list? grrr stupid awesome vacation... lol dangit.
  12. Count me in, too! I don't know how much I can get done cuz im going on vacation for two weeks, but I'd looove to do this!!!
  13. Thanks for all the ideas! BTW Saxophone-AlT, I already know about the Patrick Doyle one, lol! Anyways, I understand how you guys feel with it being a bit out of HP context. The themes I came up with I've been thinking about since I first read the books, so I'm trying to stay away from what Williams, Doyle, and Hooper have done, because it's my composition. I felt a march would be fitting because hogwarts is a school, and the house themes are based on the personality traits of the house members. I will indeed continue. Thanks! -Alex
  14. Hey everybody! My new composition is a march culminating 5 themes i have written representing Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and its 4 houses from Harry Potter. Right now, I only have 2 themes written, the opening phrase, which will be recurrent, representing Hogwarts itself, and the lyrical Gryffindor march, which I only have the first instance of it comped out. As-is, the piece will then move into a reprise of the Gryffindor theme, then an alternate theme/transition that moves into the Hufflepuff theme. I'm really excited about this one, and i hope you guys enjoy it and comment on it so i can make it better as it grows. Thanks! Alex Hogwarts March (Incomplete): listen online
  15. Hey all, I'm having some issues with Finale 2006 GPO's dynamics. It's weird. I want a timpani roll that crescendos from a pp to a ff. For some odd reason, the dynamics and crescendo is totally ignored in playback, and the human playback just makes it sound worse and fake. I'm really frustrated because it is just messing up my composition! If anyone can help it would be really appreciated! Thanks! -Alex
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