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Jeremy Carter

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About Jeremy Carter

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  1. Thanks for your comment and feedback! I work almost exclusively in Logic using MIDI and only occasionally do I make scores or use musescore. I intended for this cover to simply allow the three instruments to play the song in a way that it was easy and satisfying to listeners of all genres.
  2. Here is a holiday cover of Jack's Lament for piano, violin and cello. Although the piano and violin are pretty true to the original melody I created the cello harmony from scratch. Thoughts?
  3. There is no guitar on the track "Ghosts of the Ocean", but I am now seeing that I embedded the wrong link for YouTube (you listened to Ocean's Fang), haha. But to answer to answer your question, no the guitar is the only real instrument on the album and it does kind of stick out like a sore thumb in the mix of virtual instruments. I edited the original post to have the correct links. I agree and think that the end could have been given more time. Again, it's not the song I was intending to be reviewed but "Ocean's Fang" is representative of a sea storm with gentle and stormy waves displayed in the transitions across the song. Thank you for your time and review, it was insightful!
  4. This pirate themed track "Ghosts of the Ocean" is a release back from July. I was curious to hear other composer's opinions and thoughts on the composition. I create all of my music using virtual instrument libraries (namely from Spitfire Audio) and was also curious if anyone had any suggestions on certain libraries that would enhance a score like this. Thank you for listening! Spotify Link YouTube Link (edited)
  5. Hello, I am the composer for my artist project "Vivintinn". I create Orchestral/World/Electronic music with the aim of making storytelling compositions. I have most of my published works on Spotify for ease of access. I would love to connect with other composers and hear what other people think of the music, the production, the song structure, the storytelling component, or any other tips you might have. I will note that the music I create is primary for listening enjoyment and breaks some rules rather than following traditional music theory. I've attached a mp3 of my most recent single, but I would love if you also checked out my other compostions via the Spotify link. I hope to hear back from you all soon! Spotify:
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