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About Syth

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  • Location
    the forest
  • Favorite Composers
    Mustaine, Nodtveidt, Galder

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  1. Always glad to hear some comments. Thank you.
  2. Thanks for checking it out.
  3. The new video by Haiduk (one man black metal) Sea of Fire
  4. Thank you for checking it out and the feedback. I do know the benefits of tension & release, however this album was meant to be constant, relentless fury!
  5. I've never played it, tbh, but it does look really good. I like to put the music on in the background when doing stuff, like this mix:
  6. Favorite game soundtracks: Diablo 1, Diablo 2, Vampire the Masquerade, Hexen, various WoW 'zone' soundtracks, Age of Mythology, Age of Kings, Half-Life, Resident Evil, etc.
  7. Hi. I'd like to share my latest work - the 4th album by death metal solo project HAIDUK - Diabolica [2021] (free album stream) I focused on ultra-fast guitar riffs & arrangements as well as creating a dark atmosphere. Thoughts and comments are welcomed. Track #2 - 'Swarm' 1. Corpse Crown (2:00) 2. Swarm (2:27) 3. Upheaval (2:27) 4. Encirclement (2:25) 5. Wraithavoc (2:29) 6. Cyclone (2:56) 7. Ballista (2:33) 8. Abyss Mage (3:06) 9. Morph (2:43) 10. Infernal (2:50) 11. Sea of Fire (5:12) "The patented death/black/speed Metal rips your skull for 31 minutes." 4.5/5 -metal-rules "An endless supply of evil, face-ripping riffs" -metal crypt "Fast and unrelenting from start to end" 8/10 -metalbite "Haiduk's most aggressive work" -the killchain "A lot of eye-popping technical skill, intricate plotting, and brilliantly multifarious and mutated tonalities on display" -no clean singing
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