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Dersounder last won the day on March 30 2022

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About Dersounder

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  1. Thank you for your positive feedback! Being compared with an author of "Conan the Barbarian's" OST is a huge compliment to me. Thank you! 🙂 Extremely glad I've found this amazing community of professionals I can share my music with. So, I will post more soon. Dersounder
  2. I am highly glad to get such a highmark feedback from you. Thank you! To be honest, you are my first professional musical critic, though I had an experience as a performer, I was worried about quality of my composer skills and never published my works before. Your words motivate me to finish all my other works and share them here! 🙂 Thank you again! Btw, instrumentation is another thing I was worried for. I find it interesting to mix traditional instruments with new sounds we can produce. My dream is to mix traditional big symphony orchestra with computer-synthesized sounds at the one stage) It would be wonderful, I hope it will. Sorry me, please, I haven't attached it with the post. Added it now. Thank you for these words, it is the most important for Ukrainian people to know we are not alone, apparently all world is now spectating this. I pray for the piece in Europe and sanity of politics to make EVERYTHING to stop the Eastern Machine of Militarism. And finally, I cannot stop composing and practicing even during a war. These things what I really feel passion about. Especially while the most tragic period History of Ukraine we live in. Thank you for taking the time to listen and write your feedback here. It weights so much for me now, as for beginner. Dersounder.
  3. Hi everyone! I’m a newbie here I’m from Ukraine, Kyiv. I'm the composer & National Music Academy student, Dima Kravets (dersounder). Have experience in music since 5 years old, firstly as a professional pianist, and as a composer later (few years ago). I’m expired by classical, cinematic and contemporary music, playing and composing both. Since Russian-Ukrainian war begun, I feel extremely pain about my Country and our people, about inhuman war we should live with. And it is impossible to imagine our future now without tears on the eyes. I decided to write an orchestral piece about my feelings and what we are living for last month - Freedom and Independence of Ukraine. Honestly, I composed only piano and chamber music pieces before this work (that was a mix of classical-romantic-modern style). Now, as I have no instruments in bomb shelter, I’m trying to Use Logic Pro X to sound my Musical Ideas. Sharing with YOU demo-version of my music musical composition. It is almost complete, but I have some troubles with Mixing and Mastering. I feel this is what I’m not quite good at. Is in unmastered and no-mixed version. So, it will be better to listen it with headphones. Need any of your suggestions, professional advices (both composition and music production), your opinion or just a short comment. I will be grateful for your attention! Link to my music: The Orc Invasion of Kyiv UPD: added a score, generated by Logic Pro. The score is without Drums (as an audio file) and Sound Effects (have no idea how to write down it easily).
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