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Alex Weidmann

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Alex Weidmann last won the day on February 16

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  1. Here's what I came up with. I've no idea where it will go next! Maybe a return to the opening theme; or perhaps just more development?
  2. Hi everyone. Have modified the third movement of this piece quite a lot now, mainly so it goes through a bunch of different keys. Have also simplified the score, so it's much easier to read. New version attached below. Not sure if I've gone over the top now with my key modulations?
  3. I took your advice, and made a more realistic rendition. Think the dynamics are working better now? I used higher quality sample libraries, and made slight tweaks to the score. (This is a performance score, hence the strange note lengths and dynamic extremes.) Have to think of a second subject now, to extend the piece. Think I may go with an atmospheric vibraphone and glockenspiel duet, with some tomtoms using feathered beaming.
  4. Thanks Mark! I made a few little tweaks to the rendition today, as the dynamics were occasionally too extreme. Also added some more slurs to the piano score, and a few other improvements. Alex
  5. Thanks Henry, and Happy Year Of The Snake!
  6. I decided to go with Cinestrings Solo, since it had much better ratings. It has some annoying bugs though, where some notes are much louder than others. The available articulations are very limited also.
  7. Personally, I like the Chopinism of this movement Henry. (If that's even a word!) Also prefer it to the other movements, mainly because I can actually play this one! (Due to the slower tempo.) That said, the runs are quite challenging for me (as a very rusty pianist). I wonder why you see the pentatonic as purified Locrian? Seems like an original and interesting idea! Ofcourse Locrian is notoriously difficult to write in, since the tonic triad is a diminished 7th, and therefore sounds unresolved.
  8. This library seems to have a very low approval rating. Interested to hear what you think of it, in comparison to the free solo instruments in MuseSounds?
  9. I made a better rendition of this piece today. The dynamic changes were a bit too extreme in my previous attempt. This seems to be a frequent problem with MuseScore!
  10. Beautifully melancholic. Reminds me of Bach, as it seems to contain hints of the Baroque style.
  11. Hi everyone out there in Music Land. Here's a new version of my previously posted piece. Have added lots of new material, and greatly improved the piano part. I wonder if some of my new piano harmonies are a bit too wild and wacky? Especially in Section F. Otherwise, would like to hear if the new structure works for you? Does it inspire any particular feelings? Any composers it reminds you of? Anything I should tweak in my rendition? (N.B. I haven't got round to adding all the slurs yet.) Many thanks for taking the time to listen! Alex (P.S. Improved versions of the rendition and score will be posted below.)
  12. I love this miniature: it has a real sense of gravitas and emotional resonance for me! Only one minor point: when you have a fermata, it should be indicated across all instruments, even those not playing.
  13. This is actually all three movements combined into one score. The movements are labelled with large Roman numerals. Probably should've made longer pauses between movements in the rendition to make this clear! Many thanks for your thoughts!
  14. Hi all! Have posted the second and third movements of this before in the incomplete section; but I've now finished all three movements. (N.B. Bar numbers are continuous throughout the work, and each movement is indicated with a large Roman numeral above the system.) It's for a chamber orchestra concert this Summer. Interested to hear if members think the work sounds well balanced, motivically coherent and complete, and whether the three movements go together?
  15. Have made a little update to this now, with a primitive score. I've added new embellishments to maintain interest. May try thinning down the harmonies in the strings, since they sometimes overlap the melody. Also needs a more powerful sound from the bass instruments, as it's quite lacking in depth atm.
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