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About hw1234

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  1. Hi here is the first movement to my recorder sonata enjoy!
  2. Hi this is a improvised score by me enjoy!
  3. Bravo maestro!
  4. Short piano score I wrote in 5 minutes enjoy!
  5. Thanks much for hearing my score and the kind words! Henry
  6. Hi again this score is a bit short only took me 5 minutes to write may need to extend each movement, friend
  7. Hi enjoyed your score plentyful! I was also fond of your orchestral score. Keep composing
  8. Here is my first piano concerto I wrote this score today and It may be my first masterpiece, friend
  9. Nice score friend, the more it went on the more I enjoyed it. Henry
  10. Powerful score you have composed I enjoyed listening to it. I couldnt help but dance too! Henry
  11. Thanks for the kind words friend. Ill listen to your suggestions. Henry
  12. Hi this score was composed today in an hour,Friend https://musescore.com/user/29293489/scores/10071004
  13. Hi this fugue was composed in a span if 5 minutes at this pace ill have 2000 scores soon. Enjoy! https://musescore.com/user/29293489/scores/10070389
  14. Hi this score is a bit short for now but I plan on making a second and third movement. https://musescore.com/user/29293489/scores/10069465
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